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Chest x-ray

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I am feeling pain in the right knee joint. the pain is felt starting from lower back spine , then in right kneew joint, then in the muscles below the knee join and in the foot . Also on movement of the knee , bending or unfolding or folding, a sound like tuk is heard. I had an x-ray which is stating that possible loose calcific opacity in the joint. Please let me know is this is a serious problem, can this lead to arthritis or is this the start of the arthritis. Is there any permanenet treament to get rid of this and can this be permanently cured. I am very much worried about the problem, please help me on this. thanks.

Please Get X ray or MRI of your Lower Back !! will have to clear whether the pain arising is from back and referred to knee and foot, or is solely knee joint pain. when you hear sound like tuk while folding or unfolding ie bending and straightening your knees, that means your popliteus muscle ie behind the knee joint is weak and complete load is taken by the meniscus or ligament supporting the knee. i would advise you 3 things, get mri scan for lower back, strengthen the muscle and ligament of y ...

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Recently my father complained of mild chest pain..Doctors did an angiogram and found out that he has Triple Vessel desease. They have suggested PTCA to LAD & RCA. We want to take a second opinion on this before going ahead.

Hi, I have seen the angiography report written by you. As many of the findings on angiography are subjective and can be decided by the interventional cardiologist while doing and watching the action of heart and flow of dye during the procedure itself ,it would be a good idea that you should discuss the result with the cardiologist himself. As such blockages of less than 70% of artery does not need to be interference,they are better left to be managed medically.Life style changes and correctio ...

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i am having a normal ecg and my echo test comes normal , but i am having a continuous chest pain . my endoscopy result specify me that i am having a antral gastritis. please let me know what can i do further

Hi, Antral gastritis common causes is Bacterial ( h pylori ). Then there are more infective cause which are a little less common (viral,tuberculosis) . Smoking,alcoholic,excessive drug intake might be other causes as well,or due to any foreign body intake. I would advice you - Abstinence from alcohol, - Abstinence from smoking(if you are having it), - Don't stress your self with excess workload or responsibilities if you think you have too much of responsibility; try and share that a littl ...

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GERD. It has been on and off since 2008. The condition worsened last month in Jan 2013 and I could hardly swallow any solid food. It just gets stuck in the throat and feel like I am choking till I push the food down with water. Liquids and semi solid foods are ok. The doctors did Nasal Endoscopy, Normal Gastro Endoscopy, Esopheagal Manometry, Barium Swallow X-Ray and all tests came up normal. I was told the swallowing problem is primarily related to GERD and I was advised Cintapro 1 mg tablet for 1 month. So far as I take the tablet, I am able to take in selected solid foods fine, but not all foods. If I do not take this tablet for one day, the problem recurrs back. Question 1: How long will this motility disorder be related to GERD ? Question 2: Are there any side effects of taking this Cintapro 1 mg to help in motility on a long term basis (Say if I need to take this for some more time) Questionj 3: Are there any other tests that will show the proper reason for this motility disorder of the esophaegus (Apart from Esopheagal Manometry, Gastro Endoscopy, Barium Swallow X-Ray) etc.

GERD will persist but the effect can be decreased by life style modification like good brisk walk for 40 mins, avoiding fat, consuming more curd and buttermilk rather than milk and keeping a gap of 2 hrs between food and sleep. Cintpro is by and large relatively safe drug for long term use till now. We need to see the reports of existing tests before we proceed with further tests Stress has significant role in symptoms so please be relaxed. ...

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I had got my teeth filled at a dentist but even after 28 days the pain is not going away. She took an x-ray yesterday and said everything is fine but it hurts persistently and is very sensitive to cold, sweet and hot. What to do ?

The filling must have been very close to the pulp of the tooth, if no rootcanal treatment was advised. Go for rootcanal treatment of the offending tooth which will take care of the pain and sentitivity. 28 days is along time. ...

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# Doctor's advised it a Harpies illness. # Painful # Right chest & right hand below arm (near right chest).

Hi, Yes usually remains involving one dermatome only,but you have two dermatomes involved i belive. is hand also involved. The treatment he has given can also be gven for herpes and is mostly ok and somethings could have been added. Your doctor din't give you anything for itching,you can be prescribed if you have and should also be prescribed by an antibiotic so that no superinfections take place. You can attach your photo if you want,i will be able to better tell you whether it is herpes or no ...

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Name – Biman Das Age – 28 years Indian origin, stays in Bangalore, India. 9th July 2012 - hemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Hemoglobin E disease Complaint – Weakness since 1year. Hi…. Below are the complete tests I have done two days back….. Blood Urea Nitrogen – 11.00 mg/dl Serum Creatinine – 1 mg/dl Serum Glucose – 94 mg/dl SERUM LIVER FUNCTION TEST Billirubin Total – 1.30 mg/dl Billirubin – direct – 0.30 mg/dl SGOT/AST (P5P, IFCC) – 63.00 IU/ml SGPT/ALT (P5P, IFCC) – 142.00 IU/ml ALP – 74 IU/ml Total protein – 7.80 g/dl Serum Albumin – 4.90 g/dl Serum Globulin – 2.90 g/dl ALB/GLOB Ratio – 1.69 g/dl SERUM TSH (ECLIA) – 6.240 IU/mL COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT WBC – 9300.00 / RBC – 6.15 million/ Hemoglobin – 11.90 g/dl Haemotocrit (PCV) – 37.00 % MCV – 61.00 fL MCH – 19.40 Pg MCHC – 31.30 g/dl Platelet count – 135000.00 / DIFFERENTIAL COUNT Neutrophils – 52 % Lymphocytes – 43 % Monocytes – 3.00 % Eosinophils – 2.00 % ESR – 4.00 /1st hour. PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION RBC’s – Show moderate anisopoikilocytosis, are microcytic hypochromic with few eliptocytes, target cells. WBC’s – Leucocytes are normal in total count and distribution Plateletes – Plateletes are reduced. Macroplateletes noted. Impression – Microcytic hypochromic blood picture with thrombocytopenia. (Kindly correlate with serum iron,TIBC, ferritin and Hb variant analysis [To rule out hemoglobinopathy]) OTHER TESTS – Routine Urine analysis – All values are normal ECG – Normal study X-Ray of chest – PA View – Normal Study MY HABBITS – Non veg 3 days a week Beer – 3 days a week( 700ml per day) drinking since 10 years. Smoking – 12 cigarettes per day (Smoking since 10 years). More Anxiety and less physical activities. Last one year I am inside my house, just for half an hour I go outside in the morning. MY HISTORY AND TESTS DONE EARLIER – History of acidity, constipation and digestion. 9th July 2012 - Haemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Haemoglobin E disease. 16th October 2012 - Ultrasound of liver – Fatty Liver 18th October 2012 – Liver function test – All values are normal 18th October 2012 – Pulmonary test – Normal spirometery 18th October 2012 – Complete Haemoglobin – Haemoglobin 12.5 gm/dl, WBC – normal in number and morphology, RBC – Anicocytosis with microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes, mild polychromasia, elliptocytes and taget cells, platelets- adequate Please let me know is it very serious and also let me know some medicines and diet... Regards Biman Das

Hi, I am not sure,your doctor must have examined you so he can might be telling better,but i belive you should have complet liver tests including pt aptt and coagulation profile and billirubin levels and also repeat the tests you already have. Although yellow eyes can also be due to mddy sclera,some people have muddy sclera. Your tsh is also raised so he might be telling you for some test or may be you could be directly be put on medicines for this. Time taken is different for diffirent person ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  238 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. Ashwani Singal

  • Pediatrician
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  317 Doc Points

Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal

  • Pediatrician
  •  , United Arab Emirates
  •  107 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Chandrapur, India
  •  210 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Dilbans Pandher

  • Orthopedist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  311 Doc Points

Dr. Sanmati Thole

  • Pediatrician
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  131 Doc Points


Multi Speciality
   New Delhi, India