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Autoimmune Dermatological Conditions

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My mom is facing mirgi or fits attack, she have history of this but now this problem is once or twice a year. While attack we become panic, what procedure we should follow for her to return to normal conditions, Pl help us.

Hi, You don't have to panic if she is suffering from epilepsy. Usually there are triggering factors for everybody which brings them epilepsy like facing strong light,tobaco,alcohol,smoking,hypertension,inadequate sleep and food allergies Assess the triggering factors and try to avoid them and if any medical illness then try to keep it within normal limits if possible. During attack 1)ease her to the floor,so that she does not injure her self during attack 2)she should not wear clothes which may ...

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Well doc, i had fever for 18 days with pain on side where the liver is...then came a rash on the lower thigh and the biopsy of that is talking of autoimmune. the doctors have given heavy steroids to get the fever down which finally worked. I want to now consult a doctor who can help...shd i consult an immunologist?

Hi, Well you can consult an immunologist,if your fever was not normally controlled and it had to be controlled by steroids. Otherwise it is difficult to get or understand some thing without looking at tests. You can also consult a md medicine for a secound opinion before consultint an immunologist. ...

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Dear Doctor, Kindly go through this lengthy letter to you with patience and kindly advise me proper advise to clear my mind . I am 72 year old male from India and strictly Vegetarian.I am not sedentary type and walks 4 ½ km every day in the morning and always active. IHD and BP and TYPE II DIABETES I have had IHD (T wave inversion) in the year 1977 and mild hypertension in 1981. DIABETES IN 2010. The doctor who has attended then on me prescribed Aten 50 in 1977. Since then I have been using Aten 50 in one form or other like Aten 50/Atenlol/Stamlobeta. 37 long years have passed with out any problem with either of these two conditions . My BP is quite normal 120/80 and some times 110/70 and some times on very few occassions 140/80 or 90 and my pulse rate will be around 58 to 65 most of the time . My BP on the day of the visting my physician is 140/80 as on 12th dec 2014. My diabetes is under control and am taking glycomet 250 mg twice a day. The attending physician who is an MD has prescribed Cresar 40 mg (Telmisartan) and asked me to stop taking Stamlobeta 50 mg which i am taking from 2006 and further said since i am using this Amlodipine combined Atenlol ,its time to change the medicine and Cresar will also take care of the diabetes and kidneys and heart (IHD) besides BP. As on 12th july 2014 my Lipid profile is very normal. Cholestrol 123 , Tryglycerides 141 ,HDL 53 and VLDL 23. Kindly advise on the following. 1. Since I am taking Stamlobeta since 2006 and prior to that Aten 50 from 1977 to 2006., do I have to taper stamlobeta dosage besides taking Cresar 40 mg? 2. Do i have to continue taking Stamlobeta in small dosage along with Cresar 40 mg?.If so in which dosage do I have to take? 3.Is cresar 40 mg safe for IHD patients also? Please do not form the impression that i have no confidence in my Physician. But i have a tendency to go for second opinion on new drugs before starting a new one. I do not blindly or in hasty manner take any new medicine .Hence I require an expert advise in the matter on the following. If you require any further info, kindly advise me. sincerely somayajulu

Hi, Cresar medication is not only safe for IHD patients but also is beneficial, and it really takes care of kidney, protects kidney from diabetic damage. if your blood pressure allows you can take both Cresar 40 and Atenolol 25 mg once daily ...

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ankylosing spondylitis: I am 38 yr old 1977 born. Suffering with Ankylosing spondylytes When i was 20 yrs (1997) , then first time had sever leg pain ( from hip to down) and took ibruofin to control It was there now and then and used ibruofin when pain comes Later 13 yrs in 2010 the hip pain ( from hip to down , pain sever during night and morning ) is continuous then when examinded found out that it is Ankylosing spondylytes. In examination HLAB27 is +ve and MRI scan with C-reactive protein (CRP); erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); high levels Took physiotherapy session for 10 days with rest and it controlled Later now and then pain used to come then mostly I was bearing without taking any drug..... But if pain is very severe and need to travel then used Naprosyn 250 some times else try to manage with pain without medication But in 2013 ( I moved another city, and from next day itself) this time sever body pains majorly back pain and neck pain and stiffness which restricts movememnts started.... continuously..... but i was reluctantn to taken any pain killers and managed like that only ... for almost 2 yrs !!!! during this time my movements are restricted and walking style changed.... But during this time when ever i went to my home town i felt bit better.... but on return position is same.... Recently in 2015 July .... suddently on both feet got swelling and sever pain... not able to walk also .... then contacted rhumotologist then rhumotologist prescribed below medcine after blood tests: Blodd tests: C-reactive protein (CRP) - 99 ; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) -13; plasma viscosity (PV). ( Not done) Vitamin D: 18 and using below Medcine: Gave Afec injection For one motnh Saaz DS :Morning - Night Ziffinac : when pain there BGcal-ctf Night PDOM-SR :morning ZEMPRED : 16 mg used for 12 days morning - night and for 5 days: monrnng 16 mg - night 8mg and for 5 days: monrnng 16 mg - night 4mg Immustar Pls suggest based on my conditions what shoud be done? (Some one telling to take Remicade/infimab injections !!!! which i dont prefer as it needs to be continued after some yrs it seems also expensive) (is homeopathy good option) Regs, Mohan

hi there is no treatment in homeopathy, but there is no need to go for remicade/inflimab, there are many other medicines are available. methotrexate, leflunomide etc are very effective. if you want you can come to delhi, we can evaluate and modify treatment to make you better take care ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Kiran Lohia

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  565 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy

  • Dentist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  105 Doc Points

Dr. Govindaraj S J

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  132 Doc Points

Dr. Vinod Chebbi

  • Sexual Health Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  272 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Sanmati Thole

  • Pediatrician
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  131 Doc Points

Dr. Santhosh Kumar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  228 Doc Points

Dr. Rashel Rego

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Udupi, India
  •  107 Doc Points