Topics Abnormal fecal smell
  Topics Abnormal fecal smell

Abnormal fecal smell

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I had Wysolone 20 Mg for 2 weeks in the year 1999 and till the date I am suffering from fluid retention, weight gain, Swelling in whole body specially on face , eyes, hands and feet and muscle weakness and facing weekness after periods as it is abnormal.

Hi, For swelling i would need kidney function test as well at least,so much bleeding can't be normal.I would recommend you to get a repeat ultrasound because this age is really prone for fibroid uterus.Even continuous discharge is not good and you should get your self examined for that by a gynecologist. Are you running any continuous fever ? How is the discharge,is it smelly,what color ? I am not sure why you have splenomegaly because you have not mentioned any point in your history which ind ...

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hi, i am getting bad smell around pennis and scrotal sacs ,please suggest any cream. iam using absorb powder. thanks,

Hi, If you have smell around penis,that indicates that you have infection over your penis which might be bacterial or might be yeast (commonly,might be other organisam also) which are usually hygiene related. Now do you have any discharge from penis,what color if yes ? Do you have any problem and smell in urine to ? Keep a check over your hygiene and change clothes frequently and wear cotton undergarments. You can also use neomycin powder over to keep the infection under control. Then take norf ...

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my bilirubin (total) is found 0.97 mg/dl, bilirubin direct is found 0.33 mg/dl, SGOT is found 41 iu/l, SGPT is found 80.9 iu/l, alkaline phosphatase is found 101 iu/l & albumin is found 4.2 gm/dl after going through a liver functioning test. I am very much worried about the SGPT count which came abnormal. i do not take regular alcohol, but i do take some medicines like norflox tz or ciprowin tz whenever i came across stomach upsets. Sir, please suggest me what should i do now and shall it be dangerous that the count came abnormal? please help.

Hi, Are you facing any symptoms like itching,fever,any accident you had or any problem with muscle or something or may be any problems with urine. Although only alcohol can also raise the tests like this,but if you would be facing any symptom then we would get your more further tests to tell you how serious they are. You don't have to prescribe antibiotics to your self or have them to frequently and also always complete their course whenever you start there course. How frquently you have alcoho ...

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I have been diagnosed with IBS a little over 10 years ago by a gasterenterologist. They did the colonoscopy and determined that it was IBS (diarrhea only for me), but I have not been back since due to financial hardship. I have been experiencing some pain, bloating, gas, unusual bowel movements for me - constipation, and unusual looking feces. It has at times looked to be long and thin which is quite abnormal. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years but for the last 8 months have been vegan. These symptoms have not come on until about 2 months ago, however. If anything, I am eating a lot more fruits, vegetables and fiber, which should make me more regular and NOT constipated (I do not eat any dairy or eggs - nothing from animals at all). I used to have to take 3-4 Immodim a day before going to work just to function at my job, but recently, I have not been taking any of it and still have trouble going to the bathroom. I am concerned that this may be something serious. I have read everything I can about these symptoms and have seen that it could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. I am not an alarmist, but am interested to know if I should be seeking medical attention immediately. Thoughts? Thank you. Rebecca

dear rebecca, pleased to know how keen you are with your health (many people are sooooo careless). As for your IBS, it is a wise idea to undergo a colonoscopy once every year. Cancer or colon or rectum is very rare and there are early signs of it like a polyp which can be easily diagnosed and removed by colonoscopy. so if you really need to be cautious, you have to underdo a colonoscopy once every year. Take care. www. pilesfreedom. com ...

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I have bad breath . I've checked with my dentist and he says my teeth and gums are ok. I usually have incomplete evacuation and the breath is most foul when I have constipation. with each passing of stool the intensity of smell goes down. When I'm constipated I find that the intensity goes up after taking the meals. Stool is unformed and if it's solid it's very thin and tape like. The smell is sometimes fishy, and sometimes even wworse. people around me complain and I'm myself nauseat ed. please help.

Along with teeth and gums, bad breath may also be due to an abdominal infection, respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and liver or kidney problems. Go for an oral prophylaxis with your dentist and start using Chlorhexidine Gluconate mouth wash, If the problem still persists, you should consult a Physician for diagnosis of the source of infection causing bad breath "Halitosis". ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Krupesh Rajani

  • Dentist
  •  Navsari, India
  •  163 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Govindaraj S J

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  132 Doc Points

Dr. Nagesh K G

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  314 Doc Points

Dr. Akash Patel

  • Dentist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  104 Doc Points

Dr. Yasmin Asma Zohara

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  246 Doc Points

Dr. A. Kumar

  • Sexologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  156 Doc Points