what is benq 10 and what are i
  what is benq 10 and what are i

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what is benq 10 and what are its uses?

PAST HISTORY : low semen volume

1 Answers


Benq 10 is prescribed for low sperm count,it is an antioxidant and slowly help to raise sperm count.but you should also follow these -

1) Have plenty of water
2) Have plenty of fresh vegetable and fruits
3) Do regular aerobic exercise
4) Wear an open loose and cotton undergarment

These all should help you.

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Matching Already Answered Queries

My husband sperm count came as 0.1 million per ml. 0.3 million as total volume. The motality being 12% and they are showing sluggish progression. This was the first semen analysis and he is just 29. We are ver concerned about the report. Not sure if Ivf may help our case.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Your husband's total sperm count is less but still we need to calculate the semen volume which will be (sperm count*volume*motility). The normal count is over 20 million and around 10 million is needed to go for an an IVF . The mortality is not very high(in the sense of unable to see you pregnant) However there are many causes for low sperm count which at times can be easily treatable like a strong infection in your body. He might be taking some over the counter drugs specially some antifu ...
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Plaque and bleeding gums...stolin astingent uses and its effect

  Doctor's Answer

please go in for a teeth cleaning. that should help reduce the bleeding. . Stolin does not really help. ...
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what is benq 10 and what are its uses?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Benq 10 is prescribed for low sperm count,it is an antioxidant and slowly help to raise sperm count.but you should also follow these - 1) Have plenty of water 2) Have plenty of fresh vegetable and fruits 3) Do regular aerobic exercise 4) Wear an open loose and cotton undergarment These all should help you. ...
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1. Using tobocoo products since long time back 2. One and half year back ( October 2011) observed a tiny white colour patch inside cheek. 3. Consult the doctors and as per them it is because of sharp teeth byte. 4. Since uses tobacoo product it is also leucoplakia inside the mouth. 5. Doctor prescribe the ointment like kenocard, candid and it improved a lot 6. Since it was not completely finished so another step I had done to remove some superficial layer over that area after the consultation with same doctor ( In November 2012) 7. I was assuming that after removal it would completely solve the problem. 8. Unfortunately the patch is still there along with new skin. 9. Importantly the patch is not grown till date as it was earlier. 10. I am really having great mental pressure about how it can be solve and what step we need to take care so that it would

  Doctor's Answer

Quit habits strictly. Various treatment modalities for oral leukoplakia have been reported, but there is currently no consensus on the most appropriate treatment The treatment modalities include change of lifestyle factors such as tobacco and alcohol intake, Medication with retinoids or antimycotics, 13-cis-retenoic acid, carotenoids, Vitamin C, E, Natural agents (green tea) & Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents Surgical excision, Cryosurgery, Laser evaporation or laser excision. ...
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No much symptoms of frequent urination or pain during passing Urine. On a routine check up, found prostate gland enlargement. On a scan found that prostate - 4.3 x 6 x 5.7 cm (63gms). PVR 48cc and Uroflowmetry (voided volume 0433ml). PCA test shown normal result (2.18 ng/mL). Doctor advised for Afdura 1 tab during night. Had it for one month and went for 2nd test and the result shown as Prostate 62gms (voided volume 0310 ml) and PVR 37 cc. Doctor advised to continue Afdura for another 2 months. Feeling normal except some trumbling feeling (mussle shrinking all over the Body - occassionally during sleep. ( No normal allergic sympts like drowziness of Afdura) Other wise comfortable with normal urination and no pain or any uneasiness during urination. I have to do Hernia surgery and waiting for this Afdura course of medicne to be over. Can I continue with Afdura... Can I go for Hernia Operation

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Although i don't think there should be some problem in carrying with afdura,or going ahead with surgery. The drug might be stopped just before surgery,rest it depends upon your examination. Your size of prostate is not to big and neither is it causing extreme obstruction so you can continue with medical management. Which place do you have a hernia. ...
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1. Using tobocoo products since long time back 2. One and half year back ( October 2011) observed a tiny white colour patch inside cheek. 3. Consult the doctors and as per them it is because of sharp teeth byte. 4. Since uses tobacoo product it is also leucoplakia inside the mouth. 5. Doctor prescribe the ointment like kenocard, candid and it improved a lot 6. Since it was not completely finished so another step I had done to remove some superficial layer over that area after the consultation with same doctor ( In November 2012) 7. I was assuming that after removal it would completely solve the problem. 8. Unfortunately the patch is still there along with new skin. 9. Importantly the patch is not grown till date as it was earlier. 10. I am really having great mental pressure about how it can be solve and what step we need to take care so that it would
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