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PAST HISTORY : Does precum of my bf touch my vagina can cause pregnancy that too one day after pentration happned.ipill also taken within 30 hr
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
I would like to clarify that itching has nothing to do with being pregnant or not.Also regarding pregnancy,chances of pregnancy are low as pt has already taken the ipill.BUT ,it can be confirmed with absolute certainity that there is no pregnancy,only if your patient misses her period.
Also,your patient is having some vaginal infection due to which,the itching is happening.She can apply,local anti fungals ointment for the same,clotrimazole containing ointments are to be used.Local hygiene in the form of cotton underclothes,preventing use of synthetic products will prevent further reoccurence of the problem.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks Doctor for your feedback. Since her period ended on 9th july and withdral bleeding on 19th When can her period be expected and Last 2 days At time she has nausea feeling but it goes off very soon.please suggest me why it happnd and what could be it jusy come and goes off also. How long the ipill effect remains