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PAST HISTORY : loose eraction of penis and penis length is 5.2 inch need sugession madicaly no problem
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Do you have history of smoking,alcohol,diabetes,hypertension,are you taking medicines for anything,to much of nicotine,or any surgery you might have undergone ?
This can also be hormonal due to low levels of testosterone.
Do you face to much of stress ?
Did you have any injury or undergo any surgery
Do you have any problems in urine ?
Since how long are you facing these symptoms,till when did you have normal erection and normal masturbation
You may follow the following steps right now
1)Cut down on smoking, alcohol, and illegal drug use.
2)Get plenty of rest and take time to relax.
3)Exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep good blood circulation
4)Avoid excessive masturbation,avoid pornography
5)Try not to take any stress and keep your self relaxed
6)Try and have good sleep cycle(wake up early and sleep on time)
7)Do early morning excercise and yoga to help you
8)If you are having any medical problem,then you should correct that first
If you don't improve with these changes,then visit a doctor so that he can examine you and do various necessary tests.
However mostly the problem is pschological and should go away with lifestyle changes and doing good aerobic excercise and having healthy diet and have a good thought and proper sleep cycle.