Something thread like comes ou
  Something thread like comes ou

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Something thread like comes out from my daughter's (Ranita Lohar, Age 9 years) tooth. Her cavity tooth was filled up by Dr. R.K. Sharma from Burnpur. After that you treat her on Saturday (10th December) Please suggest us to solve this solution?

1 Answers

I think the filling done is temporary and may contain cotton gauze. Please consult a certified dentist at your place. Avoid quacks practicing dentistry.

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I am a 32 years female with a severe tooth ache in my jaw which increases in the night. I know there seems to be a cavity in one of my tooth. What exactly needs to be done for me to get relief from my pain & what will the whole procedure be like ?? Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Hello , The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to consult a good dentist, perhaps in the your near vicinity. You must have regular checkups every six months for prevention of such problems later on, this is an international protocol followed everywhere. Next, what I do get from your symptoms is that you have something’s known as a nerve exposure of a particular tooth (or sometimes set of teeth). The only treatment left to save teeth like these is Root Canal Treatment. Now i ...
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i need probable reason and its remedy w.r.t PUS cells 12-15 HPF,Epithelical cells 2-4 HPF & RBC 12-14 HPF ,Granular occasional & mucus thread present in urine R/E test of my 4 year old daughter

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Hi, As you told me about the urine report, I would like to tell you that plenty of pus cells indicate that there is some active infection in her urinary tract. It is difficult to provide any treatment in this condition without knowing about the cause and to know about the cause there are a few things I would like to know 1. Have you noticed any fever ? 2. Do you see any swelling of abdomen ? 3. Colour of urine and any increase in frequency ? 4. Does she cry while passing urine ? It can have ...
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?

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Angular eruption of third molar needs extraction.It is of no use anyway,get it removed by a good oral surgeon,it does not require replacement ...
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my wife is suffering from personality paranoid disorder , i am very disturb due to her rudely behavior, so please suggest me what to do with her , she is very rudely behave with children s , we are having two daughters and one son , no body is in her house believe that she is suffering from this disorder , i am in very big trouble please suggest doctor how can i treat my wife from this disorder

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Hello. I understand what you are going through. I am an experienced therapist and mental health counsellor at Kaadambari Centre for Mental Health. Please email us on *********@*****.com or whatapp us on + **********. ...
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My dentist advised me to have rct for 2 front teeth out of which one is a dead tooth because of trauma. Now, i need to travel in couple of days and shall be away for couple of months. So the dentist suggested that she can fill the cavity with cotton and do the final treatment once i am back. What would you advise?

  Doctor's Answer

i would not agree with leaving the treatment incomplete. this may lead to infection that could be worse than what you have. your tooth will be weakened due to the access cavity and liable to fracture. either wait till you get back and DO NOT TOUCH the tooth at all (if you have no trouble now) or FINISH the treatment and leave. make sure you are carrying medication in either case. ...
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I am a 32 years female with a severe tooth ache in my jaw which increases in the night. I know there seems to be a cavity in one of my tooth. What exactly needs to be done for me to get relief from my pain & what will the whole procedure be like ?? Thanks
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i need probable reason and its remedy w.r.t PUS cells 12-15 HPF,Epithelical cells 2-4 HPF & RBC 12-14 HPF ,Granular occasional & mucus thread present in urine R/E test of my 4 year old daughter
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?
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My dentist advised me to have rct for 2 front teeth out of which one is a dead tooth because of trauma. Now, i need to travel in couple of days and shall be away for couple of months. So the dentist suggested that she can fill the cavity with cotton and do the final treatment once i am back. What would you advise?
2 Answers