My dentist advised me to have
  My dentist advised me to have

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My dentist advised me to have rct for 2 front teeth out of which one is a dead tooth because of trauma. Now, i need to travel in couple of days and shall be away for couple of months. So the dentist suggested that she can fill the cavity with cotton and do the final treatment once i am back. What would you advise?

PAST HISTORY : Had a fall when i was kid. I went to the dentist and when she did an XRAY, we saw that front 2 teeth have been infected at the root.

4 Answers

If the infection at the root of the tooth is mild or negligible, then dentist may treat the tooth in single sitting only. However, If the infection is severe then you may have to go for several visits for the complete removal of the infection. Meanwhile the dentist can open the canal and fill it with cotton as this may reduce the pain and severity of the infection....this is called Open Dressing..

It is absolutely fine to delay the final filling of the root canal treatment provided the cotton is sealed with temprory filling material so that there are lesser chances of re-infection.

i would not agree with leaving the treatment incomplete. this may lead to infection that could be worse than what you have. your tooth will be weakened due to the access cavity and liable to fracture. either wait till you get back and DO NOT TOUCH the tooth at all (if you have no trouble now) or FINISH the treatment and leave. make sure you are carrying medication in either case.

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Hello , The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to consult a good dentist, perhaps in the your near vicinity. You must have regular checkups every six months for prevention of such problems later on, this is an international protocol followed everywhere. Next, what I do get from your symptoms is that you have something’s known as a nerve exposure of a particular tooth (or sometimes set of teeth). The only treatment left to save teeth like these is Root Canal Treatment. Now i ...
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  Doctor's Answer

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