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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
what should be immediate medication required and also any further test required for more detailed info
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
this problem is persisting since last 10 days , hence i need specialised advice urgently
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
As you told me about the urine report, I would like to tell you that plenty of pus cells indicate that there is some active infection in her urinary tract. It is difficult to provide any treatment in this condition without knowing about the cause and to know about the cause there are a few things I would like to know
1. Have you noticed any fever ?
2. Do you see any swelling of abdomen ?
3. Colour of urine and any increase in frequency ?
4. Does she cry while passing urine ?
It can have multiple cause. It might be a simple urinary tract infection (UTI) or stone .Even a simple UTI in a child should not be left alone as it causes serious problem in future. Otherwise also, UTI are a little more common in a female child compared to a male child.
To know further here are some of the investigations
1. USG abdomen (KUB)
2. Urine culture (to know about the exact micro-organism) and its sensitivity
3. Urine Creatinine
And for now give her as much water as she accepts that might help her rest. You might also try with a little hot sponging over her abdominal area if she has pain over abdomen.
Fell free to ask any other questions.
Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal