Sir, iam suffering from dust a
  Sir, iam suffering from dust a

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Sir, iam suffering from dust allergy since my child hood is there any ways to stop it..

1 Answers

what are the symptoms that you are facing ? have you tried taking any medicine .. you may not be able to stop its completely but the frequency could be reduced if we do a few tests and get more history

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It might be Pilonidal Sinus or Abscess ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As you told me that you have sounds in your chest,you need better attention than the drugs given to you(the four drugs you mentioned me). You should have been prescribed with an bronchodialator by your dotor which is missing in your prescription. Not remembering dreams is basically fine with most people and that is not a problem(that means that you had a sound sleep). What you told me that you stopped breathing in middle of night this is known as paroxsysmal nocturnal dyspnea and is usual ...
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possibly allergic,has the child grown according to age?.don't delay during attacks,take him to he nearest homoeo doctor for advise ...
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