Sir i had sex with my gf on 1
  Sir i had sex with my gf on 1

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Sir i had sex with my gf on 1 December and gave her unwanted 72 on that day..then her periods occur on 7 December for days .. After that she missed her January periods and February periods too.....what could be reason behind that???

1 Answers

Hi there. First and foremost, did you already conduct a pregnancy test? Pregnancy test should be the 1st test conducted for missed menses is pregnancy test. My 2nd question is did you have sexual encounter after Dec 7?

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i had sex with my girlfriend on 20 dec 2012,after that i gave her a unwanted 72 pill,but her period came on 26 dec 2012,then her period again came on 9 january 2013, which is normal date of periodes in month,i want to know is it anything serious?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Till now nothing seems to be alarming she is having her normal due period. You just have to ask her about the flow(during current period), number of days(of current period) and if any pain(with her period) accompanying her . If everything is normal,the way she has it every month then nothing seems to be alarming and if any of the above three thing are not normal then she should have a check up. Specially the pain and flow should be noticed. Feel free to ask more questions. ...
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my g.f is 26 yr old,her periods comes on 5th date ,after sex at 3 rd feb ,she take a tablet of unwanted 72 then check home pregnency test it is negative and after 1month and 10 days there is no any symptomps of pregnency and home pregnency result will also be negative bt there is problem her periods had not come after 1month and 10 days..?,my g.f consult a gyno-bt without any checkup she gives a dose of mifepristone and mesoprostal ..after taken these medicine periods has not come...what can we do?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, There were a certain points which were a little unclear,how many times was urine pregnancy test negative and when. After how many days was it done importantly and when was it done last(date of urine pregnancy test). If urine pregnancy test is negative then there is no point why any gynaec would prescribe you mifepristone. The drug prescribed should not have been prescribed to you at least without confirming pregnancy by a urine pregnancy test and an ultrasound. The drug mifepristone is ef ...
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i have been taking ashokarishta from 3 months.. i had a lot of bleeding on 21st january... my periods duration is 7 to 8 days.. but after 21st january till now i have no periods... my TVS report is normal... my husband is not here from december.. so no chance of pregnancy...

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Gynecure capsules are herbal Ayurvedic capsules and I have never went into a lot of detail about them as it is not related to my field. These capsules are usually prescribed for 3-4 months,one capsule twice a day or may be more dose depending on your examination done by an Ayurvedic doctor. But I would still tell you to visit a gynecologist for this particular issue you are facing. ...
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sir, I sent two mails before but didn't get any response from my side.hope u reply me this time.Somy query is i m 21 year old boy and my gf is same of my age me and my gf had sex on 20 sep. 2013 and condom broke and i gave her unwanted72 within next 24 hours and when we had sex she was in 3rd day of her menstrual and acording to that her next date should be around 18 oct to 20 oct but its 26 oct today but stil she didnt get her periods she did a pregnancy test on 23 oct and it came negative we are so tend about her periods delay doctor. Please help

  Doctor's Answer

HI Sir, I have gone through your query. If your girl friend had sex when she was in the 3rd day of menstrual cycle then there is no need to so much worry about this. It is the safe period for sex and also your girl friend pregnancy test negative. She already took unwanted 72 within 24 hour. If you have any doubt better to consult gyaenacologist. ...
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sir, I sent two mails before but didn't get any response from my side.hope u reply me this time.Somy query is i m 21 year old boy and my gf is same of my age me and my gf had sex on 20 sep. 2013 and condom broke and i gave her unwanted72 within next 24 hours and when we had sex she was in 3rd day of her menstrual and acording to that her next date should be around 18 oct to 20 oct but its 26 oct today but stil she didnt get her periods she did a pregnancy test on 23 oct and it came negative we are so tend about her periods delay doctor. Please help

  Doctor's Answer

HI Sir, I have gone through your query. If your girl friend had sex when she was in the 3rd day of menstrual cycle then there is no need to so much worry about this. It is the safe period for sex and also your girl friend pregnancy test negative. She already took unwanted 72 within 24 hour. If you have any doubt, I will be available for your query. ...
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i have been taking ashokarishta from 3 months.. i had a lot of bleeding on 21st january... my periods duration is 7 to 8 days.. but after 21st january till now i have no periods... my TVS report is normal... my husband is not here from december.. so no chance of pregnancy...
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