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Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal answered : 11 years ago
I dont think Mountain Dew is a choice of fluid for her, as it is carbonated and will make the childs condition even worse. also the carbonated drinks have all kinds of preservatives which can upset her stomach even more. Stick to Oral rehydration Solutions that contain glucose , sodium etc., If shes still throwing up after waking up, you need to take her to a doctor and consider admissions with Intravenous fluids ( as her oral tolerance is poor ), medications for Vomiting, abdominal pain / gastritis and her infection status and electrolyte status need to be checked as children get dehydrated pretty fast,if depleted of fluids. Also need to consider an ultrasound abdomen. also watch out for fever, poor oral intake, tiredness, sunken eyes, dry mouth, dehydrated look etc., and promptly take her to the hospital emergency wing if such symptoms develop.
Thanks and Best regards,
Dr.Monish J.Thomas.