Sir,i am 26yrs old female..i a
  Sir,i am 26yrs old female..i a

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Sir,i am 26yrs old female..i am suffering from hair problems like hair fall,dandruff,breakage of hair..what can i do for thi problem n plz provide solutions for hair regrowth..

PAST HISTORY : I have problem of constipation

1 Answers

hi Hima,
Yes, there is very good medicine and treatment available in Ayurveda for preventing hair fall, dandruff and breakage. It could also be due to other problems that you are seeing an impact on your hair.

If you want to do in person consultation in Bangalore , you can visit me or we can do online consultation.
Please call on ********** for appointments.

Dr. Chetali Samant's office.

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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, History told by you favours irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ). There are two alarming signs in your case : Firstly, loss of weight and that to10kg approx. Secondly, sensation of carrying a weight in stomach. Both of them do occurs in IBS. But to be on safer side,I would suggest you to go for colonoscopy again because it was done 1 yr back and symptoms have aggravated few months back. Treatments available for IBS - - Increase the level of physical activity. - Have regular meals and take t ...
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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu

  Doctor's Answer

Hi! The only blood test that can show whether you are pregnant or the previous abortion was an incomplete one is a serum beta hcg -this checks the hormone for pregnancy in the blood.If less than 5 ,then pregnancy is negative. A normal gynae check up can reveal past pregnancy only if earlier pregnancy led to an incomplete abortion which can be made out by an ultrasonogram of the pelvis or the serum beta hcg.Otherwise no doctor can make out whether you were pregnant in the past and have taken abor ...
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I have severe constipation which has led to anal fissure for last 10 years. Tried almost all type of medicine- ayurvedic and homeopathic. Nothing seems to be working. Stools are very hard. Will taking Nutrolin B capsules help in constipation.

  Doctor's Answer

no,rather laxatives might,natural (isabgol)or synthetic.R u hypothyroid,obese,diabetic, ...
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im male 28 years i used medical drugs from 2 years now i left the all drugsfrom 6 months but now care about myself but now the problem is sexual organs nerves are weak not strong like before now when i sex with my girlfriend everytime i use viagra type medicines now i m going to marry now m afraid about my sex problems then it gives me big problem so what can i do my sexual organs(dick) strong like before plz can u tell me any medicine and plz help me so i solve this problem

  Doctor's Answer

you have not provided what medications you've used. consult a physician. ...
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Hello I am 27years female and have diagonised sacralazation l5-s1 three months ago.I have gone through various physiotherapies like excercises, ultrasound and eletctric heat some extent these therapy help to relief my back pain.but not for the longer I am doing low level laser therapy in the hope to get relief from this back pain permanently.I am recommended to do this laser therapy for 10days and just completed 3days course of this laser therApy.. It seems like its working to relief pain..I am given the medicines like zanid and neurobions forte now for 20days... What i actually want to know is will this laser therapy help to relief from the back pain permanently? I am so much worried about my upcoming married life,sex life and pregnancies too.. Will such problems create the problems in my future life,,,please help me to get proper solution for this problem .... Thank you ...

  Doctor's Answer

well, Sacralization is congenital condition and it is incidental finding on Xray and has no bearing as such with your symptoms. you need a good consultation by an orthopaedic surgeon and need to get a good dianosis and maybe get treated accordingly. physical therapies you have undergone is going to give you temporary relief and for premanent cure you need proper work up. personally i do spinal manipulation which can help to take care of your problem from the grass root level and may be cure yo ...
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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu
2 Answers
im male 28 years i used medical drugs from 2 years now i left the all drugsfrom 6 months but now care about myself but now the problem is sexual organs nerves are weak not strong like before now when i sex with my girlfriend everytime i use viagra type medicines now i m going to marry now m afraid about my sex problems then it gives me big problem so what can i do my sexual organs(dick) strong like before plz can u tell me any medicine and plz help me so i solve this problem
1 Answer
Hello I am 27years female and have diagonised sacralazation l5-s1 three months ago.I have gone through various physiotherapies like excercises, ultrasound and eletctric heat some extent these therapy help to relief my back pain.but not for the longer I am doing low level laser therapy in the hope to get relief from this back pain permanently.I am recommended to do this laser therapy for 10days and just completed 3days course of this laser therApy.. It seems like its working to relief pain..I am given the medicines like zanid and neurobions forte now for 20days... What i actually want to know is will this laser therapy help to relief from the back pain permanently? I am so much worried about my upcoming married life,sex life and pregnancies too.. Will such problems create the problems in my future life,,,please help me to get proper solution for this problem .... Thank you ...
1 Answer
I have dandruff and hair fall issues ... I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with androgenic alopecia.. The dandruff is like wounds in my scalp...
1 Answer
Sir.. About 7 years back I had lots of dandruff in my scalp. The dandruff wld be seen as huge flakes. At tht time I used many anti dandruff shampoos and some how it subsided aftr 6 months. Then hair loss started occuring aftr 2 years. As hairloss became evident I started using Gaine hair 2%. But on using this dandruff startd appearing. So I discontinued this. About a week back again the dandruff started coming as huge flakes. N for the last 5 years I have tinea versicolor lesions on my arms and back. I used clotrimazole for a long time n the lesions slowly subsided but now they r starting to appear again. Facial hair growth is normal n body hair is a little excess I guess. What should I do sir?
1 Answer