My wife has irregular menstrua
  My wife has irregular menstrua

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My wife has irregular menstruation cycle and sometimes after she urinate she feels unwell please help me Thank u

PAST HISTORY : She is 20 yrs old I have married her before 7 months she doesnt get pregnant still sometimes her period is good according to her days and sometimes her period will be soon as after 10 days or less

1 Answers

Patient asked followup Question: 8 years ago

Can my wife use ovacare during her period please

Workup is needed to investigate why your wife is havng irregular mentruation. Ultrasound and blood workup are called for. Ovacare can be used and won’t do any harm since ovacare is just like vitamin supplement, With regards to the urine problem, it is not connected with abnormal menstruation. It can be a urinary tract infection or stoes. Urinalysis and Kidney-ureter-bladder ultrasound will confirm the diagnosis.

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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, History told by you favours irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ). There are two alarming signs in your case : Firstly, loss of weight and that to10kg approx. Secondly, sensation of carrying a weight in stomach. Both of them do occurs in IBS. But to be on safer side,I would suggest you to go for colonoscopy again because it was done 1 yr back and symptoms have aggravated few months back. Treatments available for IBS - - Increase the level of physical activity. - Have regular meals and take t ...
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my 1 year old son feels to vomit just by seeing his food. He is difficult eater when I started introducing solid foods when he was 6 months.. Then I used to play his poems while feeding him.. Since few days he feels to vomit just by seeing his food.. He used to like ceralac but now after first spoon he just try to vomit.. He has got 6 teeth 3 months ago. Since 3 months , no more new teeth is coming but i can see his gums are red and bit sore since 10 days.

  Doctor's Answer

There is still lot of time for erruption of the other deciduous ( milk) teeth. However the permanent teeth will errupt at around 6 - 7 yrs. So nothing to worry for the time being. You can always get a routine dental checkup done by a pedodontist. ...
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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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My doctor prescribed me to take yamini tablets (drospirenone and ethinylestradiol tablets) from 5th day of period. I started taking tablet on 5th day and had inntercourse on same day. She didn't ask me about my perio cycle is my period cycle is short. For last three months I am getting periods at interval of 25 days days but before that for some months, I had cycle of 22 days. Can I be suure about not getting pregnent.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! YAMINI is an oral contraceptive that produces an artificial cycle.If earlier your menses were for 22 days but after starting yamini they come regularly after every 25 days,it is normal. Also,chances of conceving on yamini are extremely low if you are taking the pill correctly,that is,taking it daily,not missing any tablet and starting the next packet on the 8th day of finishing the previous packet ...
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  Doctor's Answer

The Best option for you is to consult ENT specialist and resolve the problem. You must carry the list of Antibiotics taken by you in past to the ENT specialist for his/her reference so as to get a better knowledge of your drug history.. ...
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