My relative take cheni kheni,
  My relative take cheni kheni,

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My relative take cheni kheni, and I want that he stop using cheni khani, Please help me, tell me if there is any medicine shich help him to stop using cheni kheni. Tell me there is any way to help him stop usingI will be thankful to you. Thank you

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I was prescribed betnovate for blackness under my eyes and as soon as i stopped, my cheeks were full of rashes and red bumps, then a dermatologist advised me momate. i have used for 4 years and it used to give me clear skin but now i want to stop using these steroids as i start getting rashes the moment i stop using them. From past 1 week i am facing the side effects of momate, my face is full of rashes and little red bumps. i know i used it for pretty long time now but please give me permanent solution to get rid of these steroids. My face is looking very ugly, please help me. Thank you

  Doctor's Answer

Hi again, Yes this is fine. The skin does dry and flake as it recovers from any inflammatory event like an anceiform eruption. You can use a bland moisturizer like Cetaphil cream for the dryness if you like and use a soap free face wash like Cetaphil-OS face wash. All the best and regards! ...
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hello, i have a polyp under my touge that gets stuck on my teeth when i eat and talk, it is very sore and i was told by my dentist that i would have to have it cut out, i have a phobia of needles so i am unable to have it removed. i was wondering if there is any other way to get rid of it. thank you.

  Doctor's Answer

Unfortunetly no! Unless the causative factor may be a broken or sharp edge of a tooth, dental prosthesis or habit, in which case removing the causative factor will cause the polyp to regress without any medicine, but in your case follow the dentist advise get rid of the same ...
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Hi i am 23 days pregnant, Confirmed after blood HCG test. Consulted doctor, she prescribed Mankind's Unwanted Kit. She told to use it as per instruction ..I read the manual its written to take 4-misoprostol tablets after 1-3 days of taking the mifepristone tablet. Its mentioned to take Misoprostol Vaginally. As my pregnancy is only 23 days i don't want to take misoprostol vaginally..rather i want to take it orally. Can i take Mankind Brand's Unwanted Kit's Misoprostol dose orally in my case. If not mankinds any other good brands..cipla, sun alternative for using misoprostol orally. S. Dey. Age-25, Weight 49, Hgeight 5 ft.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The time gap is same whether drug (misoprostol)taken orally or vaginally.the drug whether taken orally or vaginally it is to be taken 2+2,you will take the first dose after 24 hours of mifepristone and then after 12 hours rest of the 2 tablets. But these drugs will be useful only if the pregnancy is intrauterine. Hope you have confirmed that. Yes it is possible that some products of conception are retained even after drugs and that can be confirmed only after an ultrasound,which is to be d ...
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I am 24 years of age. 2 years back, i came to know that the fore skin on my pennis is not moving when my pennis is errected. So one of my friend said that sunthi surgery will solve this problem. From that time I am very afraid of my sexual life in future. I am unmarried person. So wanted to know details about sunthi operation and also wanted to knoe whether is that the only way that i need togo through? How much time will it take for sunthi operation and how much it will cost? I read some negative comments on sunthi operation. Also wanted to know the precautions need to take after operation and how many days it will take to overcome the operation pain? Please help me on this. I will be thankful to you.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You are probably suffering from phimosis,and surgical treatment for phimosis is cicumcission and preputioplasty and circumcission is known as sunithi in hindi(most probably). Circumcission can be done under local anasthesia or if you are scared of surgery then it can also be done under genral anasthesia,the cost of surgery varies from hospital to hospital and kind of hospital facility. The stiches will be removed after one week,and you will be discharged the same day if you get the surgery ...
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I want you to please guide me that which suppliment I should take. Actually I want myself to look healthy bcz I have a slim look. I want that type of suppliment that really gives me the best output. Don't care about the price of the suppliment, just suggest me that suppliment which would give me the best output and the effect of that suppliment should not fall down after 1 or 2 years. I want that suppliment whose effect lasts for a long time and once again I remind u that please don't care about the price. The suppliment should not have any side effect. And what should I do with this suplliment that I have bought today only this new one, should I take this or not??? And please suggest me the diet chart as well, what should be my diet in daily routine.

  Doctor's Answer

you should take your supplements post workout. start with a mass gainer (other than endura, you can take any eg: by muscletech, QNT, ultimate nutrition are the better ones). if you can not able to take the entire quantity of scoop size mention at one time, you can take half ofthe quantity mentioned twice. Sice you have recently started working out, do not take any creatine supplements or NO boosters. All of the mass gainers contain small amount of creatine though. Also ensure that the exercises ...
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I was prescribed betnovate for blackness under my eyes and as soon as i stopped, my cheeks were full of rashes and red bumps, then a dermatologist advised me momate. i have used for 4 years and it used to give me clear skin but now i want to stop using these steroids as i start getting rashes the moment i stop using them. From past 1 week i am facing the side effects of momate, my face is full of rashes and little red bumps. i know i used it for pretty long time now but please give me permanent solution to get rid of these steroids. My face is looking very ugly, please help me. Thank you
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I am 24 years of age. 2 years back, i came to know that the fore skin on my pennis is not moving when my pennis is errected. So one of my friend said that sunthi surgery will solve this problem. From that time I am very afraid of my sexual life in future. I am unmarried person. So wanted to know details about sunthi operation and also wanted to knoe whether is that the only way that i need togo through? How much time will it take for sunthi operation and how much it will cost? I read some negative comments on sunthi operation. Also wanted to know the precautions need to take after operation and how many days it will take to overcome the operation pain? Please help me on this. I will be thankful to you.
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I want you to please guide me that which suppliment I should take. Actually I want myself to look healthy bcz I have a slim look. I want that type of suppliment that really gives me the best output. Don't care about the price of the suppliment, just suggest me that suppliment which would give me the best output and the effect of that suppliment should not fall down after 1 or 2 years. I want that suppliment whose effect lasts for a long time and once again I remind u that please don't care about the price. The suppliment should not have any side effect. And what should I do with this suplliment that I have bought today only this new one, should I take this or not??? And please suggest me the diet chart as well, what should be my diet in daily routine.
2 Answers