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PAST HISTORY : No major problems yet.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I believe your whole body sweats as you have not mentioned if any particular part of body sweats(like soles,armpits,palms).
Mostly the cause of excessive perspiration is idiopathic and does not have any cause.
You will have to look if there is any irritating factor like avoid excessive spicy food,try to see if you are using any soap which irritates your skin(if that is so then try using a bland soap,you may use a moisturizer also.
Try wearing loose clothes and use plain dress material like cotton,khadi cloth and white clothes when wet are less visible than any other color.
You may use a strong antiperspirant,if these don't work then will prescribe you with stronger antiperspirants.
You may get your thyroid profile done and i hope you don't have any recent infection or any medical history because the problem can be related to medical illnesses also