Topics Excessive perspiration
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Excessive perspiration

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My name is Rajinder. The problem of excessive perspiration started past 5-6 years and its becoming worst. Even in a little humid /hot weather condition or when i work a little or even walk faster my whole body perspires abnormally. It's very embarrassing for me, i can't wear what i like can't go out with friends, all the time i just try to stay in air conditioned it's effecting my professional as well as personal life. Is there any treatment that can help me.

Hi, I believe your whole body sweats as you have not mentioned if any particular part of body sweats(like soles,armpits,palms). Mostly the cause of excessive perspiration is idiopathic and does not have any cause. You will have to look if there is any irritating factor like avoid excessive spicy food,try to see if you are using any soap which irritates your skin(if that is so then try using a bland soap,you may use a moisturizer also. Try wearing loose clothes and use plain dress material like ...

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i had problem of acidity, heartburn previously. Visiting GI doctor its now cured but now i have a new problem i.e. Excessive burping/belching and bloating. what should be the reason. GI has given me Trisoliv today.

Hi, It can have plenty of reasons out of which common ones are below 1 smoking 2 alcohol 3 spicy food 4 no phsysical work 5 eating late in night 6 late night schedules So you will have to correct all these steps to control the excessive burping and belching. Excessive burping/belching and bloating is a sign of acidity,although it might be seen in more diseases but commonly seen in acidity. You may have tablet pantoprazole 40 mg one tablet in morning empty stomach and to look for effects. ...

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Hello. I am 35 have ENT problems- I have had tonsillitis many times as a child and quinsy about 6 times. Following a bad time with the last quinsy I am now booked in gor a tonsillectomy on Thursday morning. My other symptoms are excessive mucus in my throat which I get out and get rid of. I have been diagnosed with polyps in my sinuses. I have been told I have a lot of scaring from the quinsy's and a tonsillectomy will not be easy due to bleeding etc. From my point of view I feel having this operation is prompt and I haven't been examined thoroughly to see if it is something else causing the abcesses. The thing is reading up about quinsy- they form after a bout of streptococcus or untreated tonsillitis. But when I get one, it can come on suddenly within hours- a gland on the left hand side of my neck swells and then within hours it hurts, stinks and I have pain all in my ear too. So I eat toast cooked about 3times so extremely hard and sharp and cry whilst swallowing it- hoping it burst and relieves the pressure. That always worked until last time and I got worse after it burst and got hospitalised for treatment. They had never treated me before or known the way it develops and now want to take my tonsils out. I have scared tissue now- surgery will be hard- then I may get more after (my throat is already tight) and if it is my Weber gland at fault having a tonsillectomy will not stop the abscess from forming again. What should I do?

LASER Surgery is safe, bloodless and minimal (if any) scarring ...

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is excessive masturbation a cause for avascular necrosis

NO. dear please give more deatils as avascular necrosis needs proper diagnosis and treatment. which area is affected? please go thru my website www.**url** as i treat such patients with ESWT and have very encouraging results so far since 1997. it is a nninvasive and nonsurgical treatment and an application of lithotripsy in orthopaedics. the earlier we treat you better are the results. ...

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I am 19 yrs old and I have a problem of nightfall from nearabout 10years so I thought that handpractice is better than nightfall so I had done excessive handpractice but now my penis get bend so help me

7 दिन तक पालक का जूस खाली पेट पिएं साथ में नीम की पत्ती खाएं ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. abdul samad

  • Dermatologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  216 Doc Points

Dr. Vinod Chebbi

  • Sexual Health Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  272 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points

Dr. Bipin Vibhute

  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Pune, India
  •  509 Doc Points