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Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
Its not only about how many times you can brush but it is how you brush. You got to visit to learn the technique.
Check your water intake and kindly update your age for a better understanding.
Dr. shivangi gajwani jain answered : 11 years ago
Hi, As you are using oral corticosteroids on a regular basis, they may hamper the normal functioning of your good oral bacteria thus causing an increase in plaque. Most of the side effects include dry mouth which can lead to increase in plaque and other oral problems. I would suggest that you visit your dentist frequently for basic clean ups and also to discuss with the doctor the use of moisturizing sprays to prevent dry mouth, which will help you maintain your oral hygiene.. Regards
Dr. NARENDRAN SPM answered : 11 years ago
just brush your teeth twice a day.after brushing at night avoid any food **url**e proper brushing technique which u can get practice from near dentist clinic.change your brush every 3 months.this is more than enough.chose your brush bristles according to your gum like medium or soft brush bristles.
Dr. VENKATESAN NARAYANAN answered : 11 years ago
Dear patient......flossing after every meal and brushing minimum twice a day are good habits. my advice to you to control plaque are as follows:
1. use a very very soft tooth brush for brushing like sensitive or ultrasoft toothbush because a hard or a medium toothbrush can cause abration on ur teeth surface which can lead to accumulation of more plaque with more brushing.
2. use a proper brushing technique. Always brush with the bristles pointing from ur gums towards ur teeth tip with the sensitive toothbrush for the outer and the inner surfaces of ur teeth. Go ahead of brushing side to side only for the top surfaces of ur posterior teeth. Then finally brush ur tongue.
3. Always change ur brush if the bristles get even slightly bent even if it only a week or so because it means u are applying more pressure.
4. Do not brush for looooong time as u can abrade ur enamel. Try to remember brushing similar to washing ur face.
5. use a sugar free chewing gums now and then if u like to maintain the ph of ur oral cavity and to increase ur salivary flow which can effectively control ur plaque.
6. Finally visit ur dentist atleast once a year for scaling and preventing the plaque from developing into calculus.
The usage of ventolin, spiriva and symbicort can be one of the reasons for plaque as it can alter the oral flora. Do u use these for respiratory problems..... if so then also nicely rinse ur mouth with water or hexidine mouth wash after using them. The best alternative would be orbit sugar-free chewing gum as i said before.
Good luck.