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My daughter got 104F fever yesterday. I gave crocin suspension but within 3-4 hours the fever is coming back to 101-102F. Please advise. I checked with doctor and he said viral infection.
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
What are the other symptoms you are seeing in your child, because respiratory illness in a child is classified as having simple cough n cold or pneumonia (which can be further classified as having severe or very severe ) which I am sure is not there ,otherwise any doctor should have noticed it.
The symptoms you should notice or cared about are
1) If the child behaves drowsy or lethargic or sleepy for the whole day
2) Fast breathing more than normal (more than 40)
3) If there is chest indrawing while deep breathing
4) If child is unable to eat or drink anything
Otherwise the season for viral is going on and it could be simply viral and most infections in children are usually viral and viral infection usually goes off by itself in 3-4 days.
Feel free to ask further questions
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually only paracetamol is given for viral and supportive treatment is given in addition such as proper diet and plenty of water for the child and anti-cough(depending whether the child has sputum or not)and something for nose as well,whether child has runny nose or not.
Antibiotic is usually prescribed along with it so that child does not get any other infection. I think it should already have been prescribed to you.
Can you write what prescription was given?