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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The treatment for under eye circles is usually natural and you may follow some natural steps
1)have good sleep,at least 8 hours of sleep
2)have a good healthy diet,which include fresh vegetables and fruits
3)quit smoking,if you smoke routinely
4)stop taking any unusual stress and relax your self may be by doing yoga and improving your sleep cycle
5)if you have any chronic nasal congestion or allergy then that needs to be fixed first,that will come under treatment category
6)You can use cucumber slices on alternate days
7)keep ice pack for 1-2 times in a day
8)there are retinol creams available in the market which you can apply to you dark circles
9)There are also concealers available in market which can be used to reduced dark circles
10)Multivitamin tablets can be taken on once a day daily basis for one month,multivitamin deficiency can also be the cause for dark circles
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
what is the side effects of taking antoxid hc in daily basis
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
i have datk circles under the eyes,i have food allergy,what i do
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Side effects of antoxid hc tablets are nausea,pukish feeling stomach upset skin rash acute toxicity and some people are allergic to the tablet.
If you have any allergy like you said to the food,then avoid that food and also notice if you have any kind of nasal allergy or any other allergy,the we will have to treat or take precautions accordingly.
Rest all the steps i have told you for dark circles under the eyes only.