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PAST HISTORY : I was suffering kuji fuji moto fever in 2009. I am suffering thyroid increase problem also And mygrain problem from 2009. According to my age my weight is only 42 kg.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Microsomal (tpo) levels are usually seen to look for autoimmune antibodies against your own thyroid. Yes your the test is positive and values are quite high which can have many causes out of which nodular goitre can have high probability because you are having thyroid problems as well.
Now the thyroid nodules are usually slow growing nodules in which malignancy have to be ruled out first, and then next line is whether they are obstructing your airway or not. If not then it is just the medical therapy (hormones(lt4,tsh) +radioactive iodine) or if they are obstructing your airway then you have to do partial or complete thyroidectomy.(to relive presure symptoms)
Nodules in thyroid gland can be there without causing any symptoms and even not being cancerous it can be simply due to iodine deficency and there is not much treatment for such cases(so you might be one amongst those)
Test to go for further diagnosis(to r/o malignancy)
1) Fine needle aspiration biopsy
2) Ultrasound to look for volume
3) Computerized tomography or mri