i've done a test for microsoma
  i've done a test for microsoma

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i've done a test for microsomal (Tpo) antibody titre, serum by cmia & the observe value is 635.56 my tsh is also high and having node in the neck and in right axilla ( underarm ). What does this means ? What disease i am suffering from i need to no ? My family say nothing happen. They also say i am not having any problem. Pls answer me

PAST HISTORY : I was suffering kuji fuji moto fever in 2009. I am suffering thyroid increase problem also And mygrain problem from 2009. According to my age my weight is only 42 kg.

1 Answers


Microsomal (tpo) levels are usually seen to look for autoimmune antibodies against your own thyroid. Yes your the test is positive and values are quite high which can have many causes out of which nodular goitre can have high probability because you are having thyroid problems as well.

Now the thyroid nodules are usually slow growing nodules in which malignancy have to be ruled out first, and then next line is whether they are obstructing your airway or not. If not then it is just the medical therapy (hormones(lt4,tsh) +radioactive iodine) or if they are obstructing your airway then you have to do partial or complete thyroidectomy.(to relive presure symptoms)

Nodules in thyroid gland can be there without causing any symptoms and even not being cancerous it can be simply due to iodine deficency and there is not much treatment for such cases(so you might be one amongst those)

Test to go for further diagnosis(to r/o malignancy)
1) Fine needle aspiration biopsy
2) Ultrasound to look for volume
3) Computerized tomography or mri

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i have white patches on ma body on different parts. i got the first 1 on my left nipple,then on right nipple too before 5 years,then under the right underarm, at that time it spreaded rapidly,but now the growth is less then that time but now i got 1 patch near my vagina too.i had done many treatments but never continued any of them more than 6 months. now i am having an ayurvedic treatment from last 2 days,i am a very young girl with a depressed mind. i used to be very much depressed because of this,sometimes i cry alot alone,please help me regarding its cure.

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U had lucoderma problem. It is psychosomatic problem. There r very good ayurvedic treatment for u r problem . jyada janakari ke liye duradhvani : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero dial ya what's app kare. .le ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You might either be having STD or you might have ripped of your skin ,which might have also caused an ulcer. 1. Are you having any pain during micturition ? 2. Are you having any burning sensation during micturition ? 3. Are the ulceration rigid ? 4. Are there any glands on penile area ? 5. Any kind of secretion from ulcer or any kind of discharge ? If it is an STD then it can only be diagnosed by a scraping or specimen of discharge Please kindly describe the kind of ulcer(whether it is ...
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uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If at 6 weeks of pregnancy no foetal node or yolk sac is seen on an ultrasound then termination of pregnancy is the only option. Feel free to ask further questions. ...
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Hi, I want go for mri scan for entire body.how much is the cost.I used get pain in the right side stomach suddenly,i went for colonoscopy but results came noraml.I generally i will goto washroom as soon as i took the food, it will happen at least once in a day like after breakfast or lucnh etc. once i fallen from bike after six months it happened i used get pain in right shoulder it will come and go.I used to throat infection frequently. from two years on wards i am suffering these kind of issues,i used go doctor they will antibiotics they will right some blood test it will come normal, i want to know where exactly my problem please suggest.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You have written about multiple problems.Let us talk one by one. Regarding MRI whole body scan -it may cost approximately 10,000-15000/-rupees. Your upset stomach appears to be either a chronic bacterial or parasitic infection,which should respond well with adequate hygenic measures and short course of medication.Stress often known or hidden contributes in causing or worsening such symptoms. Aches and pains could be reflexion of an inadequately treated injury or associated anemia,vitami ...
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i've done a test for microsomal (Tpo) antibody titre, serum by cmia & the observe value is 635.56 my tsh is also high and having node in the neck and in right axilla ( underarm ). What does this means ? What disease i am suffering from i need to no ? My family say nothing happen. They also say i am not having any problem. Pls answer me

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Microsomal (tpo) levels are usually seen to look for autoimmune antibodies against your own thyroid. Yes your the test is positive and values are quite high which can have many causes out of which nodular goitre can have high probability because you are having thyroid problems as well. Now the thyroid nodules are usually slow growing nodules in which malignancy have to be ruled out first, and then next line is whether they are obstructing your airway or not. If not then it is just the med ...
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i have white patches on ma body on different parts. i got the first 1 on my left nipple,then on right nipple too before 5 years,then under the right underarm, at that time it spreaded rapidly,but now the growth is less then that time but now i got 1 patch near my vagina too.i had done many treatments but never continued any of them more than 6 months. now i am having an ayurvedic treatment from last 2 days,i am a very young girl with a depressed mind. i used to be very much depressed because of this,sometimes i cry alot alone,please help me regarding its cure.
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uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..
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Hi, I want go for mri scan for entire body.how much is the cost.I used get pain in the right side stomach suddenly,i went for colonoscopy but results came noraml.I generally i will goto washroom as soon as i took the food, it will happen at least once in a day like after breakfast or lucnh etc. once i fallen from bike after six months it happened i used get pain in right shoulder it will come and go.I used to throat infection frequently. from two years on wards i am suffering these kind of issues,i used go doctor they will antibiotics they will right some blood test it will come normal, i want to know where exactly my problem please suggest.
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