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PAST HISTORY : underwent laminectomy for d12- l1 region
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Can the rods be removed after some time? Iam asking this because I am not able to go to work as it needs sitting at a strech for hours together which I am not able to do now even for 15 to 20 minutes and that too after 2 and half years of surgery. Please show me a way.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Since how long are you having this problem that you are unable to sit or stand,i mean for how long after the surgery were you fine and now since how long are you having this problem
Mostly the surgery has good results and outcomes but some people don't respond that well and they need long term pyhsiotherapy for improvement.
If you are feeling some problem since a recent time then we will get a new mri done to look if the rod is in right position or whether there is any problem or not.
No the rod can't be removed like this.
Did you have any recent accident or some problem in which you hurt your back.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Sir, thank you for the response.. I have been sustaining the pain ever since the surgergery was done but I never complained as it would only cost me for tests. To be specific, I can`t withstand the pain after 15 to 20 min in one position. In between I have gone for X-ray but the results are clear even after I fell down trying to control my pet dog. I'm feeling more pain after I sat before computer for 2 or more hours for three to four days. Sir, I just want to know, if I can go to work and sit ot stand for hours together? I ask this because I can`t afford to go for an other surgery, leave about the pain, I can end my life. Does`nt matter. Please help me out.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
If the pain has been there continuously just after the procedure then you should have visited the hospital you got your treatment,that's fine you did not want to spend money but still at least you should have known what is the problem behind this.
Indian government provides free medical care to all and review any government hospital and at least they will know what is the problem behind your pain and their are institutes which have tests like mri at very less price or at discounted prices,so you should consult those places,because it is very difficult to assess without anything on internet
Yes you can go out and work,but you will have to consult some one locally may be at a government hospital only,the doctors are the same everywhere,just carry all your previous reports and they will tell you the way how to get this thing corrected without spending much money.