Total Views: 1969
PAST HISTORY : gastric
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
i took i pill after a unprotected foreplay... just as a precaution. This happened about 2 weeks back. And then about 1 week back i had bleeding like i have during my periods though its was not my date that time. After this i had a mild lower abdominal pain and since yesterday i noticed a white watery discharge from my breasts. This is happening with both the breasts and come out only wen i press them.
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Ipill is recommended as emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse.
In your case the bleeding occured due to the hormonal imbalance as a side effect of the medication.
Lower abdominal pain is also a side effect of the medication.Discharge from breasts like you are experiencing is not a known side effect of the medication .
Pain in both breasts though is a known side effect of the medication