Topics Hormonal imbalance
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Hormonal imbalance

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Hi. I had some burning sensation or nerve pain and shakiness in my hands and legs for about six months. Feeling difficulty while walking. Feeling imbalance between both legs (particularly left leg)while walking. Feeling burn sense or pain in nerves of hands and legs during penis erection. So i consulted a neurologist in Apollo Hospitals. I told everything to doctor. They done regular blood test. Then some test like keeping wires on my fingers and giving electric shock. Then they finally took my blood sample in fasting for Vitamin B12 test. After seeing the test reports doctor told me all reports are ok but Vitamin B12 is low and so you have all these symptoms. The report said 223 in my blood for vitamin B12. So he prescribed me some tablets(i.e. 1.Gabapentin, 2.Methico OD) and ReNerve Plus injection to have weekly twice. Doctor instructed to follow these medicines for 3 months. Now you please tell me 1) all these symptoms i feel are due to Vit.B12 deficiency? 2) I didnt tell doctor one point that i feel burning sense or pain in nerves of my hands and legs during penis erection. Coz this not only occurs during my penis erection, it occurs during non-erection time also. 3) Please tell me is it any other problem for these symptoms i feel during penis erection? Or is it due to Vit.B12 deficiency only?

Hi, Vitamin b 12 deficiency usually occurs in pure vegetarian people but can occur otherwise also. You are a little over anxious , and nothing necessary that if you have Vit b 12 deficiency then you will have problems in sex life or any. You can get semen analysis done , before getting semen analysis done don't masturbate for 4 days at least. Semen does not contain vit b12. Do you feel any burning in urine or any discharge ? Please provide all your reports along with urine routine and microsc ...

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Period has been off cycle the past few months, it came after 38 days. Before my period came, I had thicker grey/white discharge than normal with no odor and did not look like cottage cheese. It did not itch. It seemed normal, just more than usual. I then had a normal menses. I decided to start Lo Loestrin birth control on day 3 of my menses. During the last day of my menses (day 4/5) when the blood was lighter/brown, I started having intense itching especially after urinating and wiping. I just assumed it was from using a new type of pad and possibly due to hormonal changes because of the birth control. I also felt like my vagina was more dry than usual. The itching became less intense but I still felt more dry than usual. I had sexual intercourse a few days later and he caused a tear. I then noticed hours later that on my labia minora an ulcer had developed. It basically looks like the same type of canker sore you get in your mouth. My vagina is still quite dry. It burns when I pee and the sore is uncomfortable. I also have a tear at my vaginal opening. I don't think it is herpes. There was no pustules or groups of pustules. There is no scabbing. There are no other ulcers. I have never had herpes before. I have never had a sore like this before. I was fully tested one year ago for all STDs and HIV and came back negative. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm assuming I have to go get tested again just to make sure, but unfortunately I do not have insurance and most free clinics only check for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HIV. Hoping to get an idea of what I should do. Also, hoping for some differentials.

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Hi I'm 19 and I have hormonal acne. Moderate. A bp gel was recomended to me but it made my skin so flippin dry and turned all my acne into acne hyperpigmentation. I was using a tea tree face wash and a sunscreen in the day time. The bp gel only at night. Now I just want you to recommend me a cream gel or oil which will fade away my acne scars asap. I am dealing with depression and these scars make me feel worse. I am fair skinned. I need you to help me please. I do stay hydrated and hardly ever have junk. I do have green tea. I need to get rid of these acne scars soon. Also a treatment to prevent new zits

Acne treatment for skin types is vital to be undertaken in person under the auspices of a dermatologist. A dermatologist will grade the type of acne while noting the skin type you have and how sensitive your skin is. At Lumiere Dermatology, we do 360 degree solutions for acne to treat it from the inside out, thereby allowing your body and skin to heal. After all, your diet and lifestyle play a big part in the formation of acne. You can learn more about our US FDA Approved treatments and methods ...

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I had surgery last year of one of my breast and lymph nodes were removed and completes chemotherapy and now doctor prescribed hormonal capsules for 5 years. Firstly pain started in one of my arm (lower portion) and now thumb and fingers. Its burning sensation. could bear sometimes. Now In both arm have pain. Where should I proceed now ? please guide

Arm pain over the operated side could be due to lymphedema which is swelling secondary to lymph node removal. However, pain and burning sensation over both arms and fingers cannot be explained. You need a complete evaluation including physical examination and radiological tests, especially with a past history of hormone-positive breast cancer. You can get in touch with me for the same. ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Kiran Lohia

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  565 Doc Points

Dr. Gireesh Kumar B.A.M.S

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. Venugopal Rao Tatikonda

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  141 Doc Points

Dr. Kishore Kotha

  • Neurologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  303 Doc Points

Dr. Sandesh Gupta

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  213 Doc Points

Dr. Sonia Malik

  • Gynecologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. A. Kumar

  • Sexologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  156 Doc Points

Dr. Christine Marie Rubio

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Parañaque, Philippines
  •  577 Doc Points

Dr. Poonam Counselling Psychologist

  • Psychologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  137 Doc Points