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PAST HISTORY : Did get treated for trich in August.
Dr. Anupama Kotian George answered : 11 years ago
Hello , Based on the symptomatology it can be petechiae which are caused because of rupture of blood vessels. These do not blanch on pressure. Palatal petechiae may be seen in assocation with diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, measles, scarlet fever, leukemia, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
Do you have a recent history of fever or are you having fever now. I advise a Bleeding time and clotting time test initially.
Dr. Preay Mehta answered : 11 years ago
It may be due to consumption of severe hot food or irritation of the palate by a certain substance. The palate is inflammed as it is the body's natural response phenomenon.
It will resolve on its own in a few days.
Dr. SUWAS DARVEKAR answered : 11 years ago
This could be anything from an innocuous lesion to an Oral Cancer. Do you have a habit of Tobacco in any form? Get yourself checked by an expert at the earliest