Total Views: 1775
Dr. Jowin J William answered : 11 years ago
At 29 years of age this is premature graying of hair. And for your Erectile dysfunction I suggest you get your Blood Sugar levels checked which may also be responsible for giddiness. For complete cure I would need more details from you, you may download The Adult Questionnaire from my website http://www.**url**/home/ and mail it to me.
Treatment: From a homoeopathic pharmacy get Lycopodium 6 (dilution 30 ml). Start 2 drops twice a day for 15 days, directly on tongue.
Dr. Balbir Singh Suri answered : 11 years ago
You can take Selenium 30 three times a day for one month. Get this medicine in pill form from a homoeopathic pharmacy. Chew the pills on the tongue. Avoid coffee and Raw onions till you are taking medicine. Report to me on my email id: *********@*****.com after one month the progress for further advice.
Dr. Sanjay Pandey answered : 11 years ago
check ur thyroid status esp T4,Free T4,TSH.Check pulse rate & BP.Is there any change in bowel habits?