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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
The stomach pain is for 1 week and increasing day by day . I had similar pain 2 years ago and i was suggested to take drotin ds . Please provide your suggestion , whether drotin will have any side affects and what shall i take for breakfast and lunch ? I take my food in restaurants and dont prepare in home .
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
suggest me some fruit juices that i can take
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Drotin is an effective pain killer. It is effective for any kind of spasms like ureteric,intestinal,ibs and may also be prescribed for acid reflux(yes you can take drotin ds for abdominal pain). Since you have not given me any detail whether you had any history of burning micturition or constipation or acid reflux or may be description of pain,so I can give you general guidelines -
1. Have plenty of fluids
2. Stop spicy food(for acid reflux)
3. Sop oily food(for acid reflux)
4. Have high fiber diet
5. Avoid colas or any gaseous drinks
6. You can have non gaseous drinks (coconut water,frooti)
7. You can have craneberry juice(effective for stones)
8. Avoid rice also
I told you what to miss that is it(otherwise you may have a little light food khichdi and have a very light dinner)
Drotin may cause mild dizziness or vertigo or may be dry mouth.
Take Care
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy