I have problem of bloody stoo
  I have problem of bloody stoo

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I have problem of bloody stool. I have taken Saaz Ds and nucoxia P. that drug may be the reason of this problem please give the advice

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I was suffering from blood in my stool from long time until i consulted a doc and he said that i have fissure. I got it cured through ointments and having drinking fibre. However, from last few monts I have started suffering from incomplete evacuation. All the time my stomach is bloated up and I dont feel like eating anything. I have increased my water intake and also have started eating fibre fruits to a great extent but nothing is helping me. Howsoever hard I try, I am not able to evacuate completely. I go to washroom at least 5 times a day but still i feel full all the time. Sometimes I get black stool and sometimes its normal. My stool is not hard at all. I feel uneasy all the time. I stay in tension all the time due to this. Please suggest me a cure to this.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have had a fissure, chances of recurrence are high. Constipation is just one of the causes of fissure. There can be other causes, for example, there can be a tear in anal canal, or there may be a foreign body present in body, or it can happen during normal labor. Usually the fissure has bright red blood and not dark coloured blood. Since you have dark, it indicates that blood is coming from above in alimentary tract, which might be due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritabl ...
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My son is 2 yrs old and having severe problem of constipation. It looks like there are bruises in his anus due to hard stool. His diet includes one bottle of milk early in the morning, then Indian bread soaked with milk, then cooked pulses water , then rice with butter in the afternoon, again bottle of milk in the afternoon post lunch(nap time), roasted grams or sprouts along with egg or rawa. Indain bread soaked in milk at dinner and bottle of milk at bed time. Its been observed that he doesn't chew properly and pulses and grams are seen in his stool. He cries a lot while passing stool and now he is scared to pass the stool. pls suggest..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Which milk do you give him because he is having plenty of milk and many times a child is not able to digest milk specially cow milk causes a lot of constipation,main thing will still remain to change his diet if he is not suffering from any medical illness. Is he having fever once in a while or maybe he is loosing weight. Diet. To soften the stools and make them easier to pass, increase the amount of fluid and fiber your child gets each day. High-fiber foods include fruits and fruit juices ...
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Mam my wife last period came on 12th april2013. I have intercourse this month very much to conceieve baby.now today 23 may it has no period.in the past her period is very regular 28to 30 days.pregnency test on 15th may and19th may came negative.what should do.we are in trouble what to do.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! You can start tab endogest only if pregnancy test shows a healthy pregnancy and the location of the pregnancy is in the uterus( which can be visualised by ultrasound). It is all the more important for you to confirm pregnancy by the test as I advised earlier ...
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i am 25 year old having severe menstrual pain, i am taking nucoxia 90 these days during pain . is it ok to take , can i take nucoxia 90 for mentrual pain. please suggest.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! please do hot water formentation and take tab drotin ds twice daily for the menstrual pain.Also take plenty of oral fluids ...
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My wife just felt a blood clot in her stool..she is going through her fourth month of pregnancy.. I need an expert advice on this on urgenr basis as it is only digestion related problem or it is connected to her pregnancy too ? Please revert with the required answer and the way forward asap !!

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, There are never clots in stools due to digestion problems,and the clots might be coming from vagina which she might be confusing that blood is coming from her anus. As clots in stools are also not very common. I would advice you to go for an ultrasound again for fetal well being,or to confirm it first that blood clots again come from stools if that is so then i would tell you for more tests like stool microscopic examination or more tests might be needed to be done. Is she having any fever ...
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I was suffering from blood in my stool from long time until i consulted a doc and he said that i have fissure. I got it cured through ointments and having drinking fibre. However, from last few monts I have started suffering from incomplete evacuation. All the time my stomach is bloated up and I dont feel like eating anything. I have increased my water intake and also have started eating fibre fruits to a great extent but nothing is helping me. Howsoever hard I try, I am not able to evacuate completely. I go to washroom at least 5 times a day but still i feel full all the time. Sometimes I get black stool and sometimes its normal. My stool is not hard at all. I feel uneasy all the time. I stay in tension all the time due to this. Please suggest me a cure to this.
2 Answers
My son is 2 yrs old and having severe problem of constipation. It looks like there are bruises in his anus due to hard stool. His diet includes one bottle of milk early in the morning, then Indian bread soaked with milk, then cooked pulses water , then rice with butter in the afternoon, again bottle of milk in the afternoon post lunch(nap time), roasted grams or sprouts along with egg or rawa. Indain bread soaked in milk at dinner and bottle of milk at bed time. Its been observed that he doesn't chew properly and pulses and grams are seen in his stool. He cries a lot while passing stool and now he is scared to pass the stool. pls suggest..
1 Answer
i am 25 year old having severe menstrual pain, i am taking nucoxia 90 these days during pain . is it ok to take , can i take nucoxia 90 for mentrual pain. please suggest.
2 Answers
1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.
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