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PAST HISTORY : having severe mentrual pain
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
what medicine i can take for my menstrual pain...i had used drotin-m and colimex but does not work
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Nucoxia is a medication recommended for bony origins and muscular pains and does not work as a painkiller for mensdtrual pain.
In case your pain in so severe kindly take drotin ds for the pain .Also recommended is an ultrasound of the pelvis to rule out any kind og pelcioc pathology for this kind of dymenorrhoea
Othe remedies are taking plenty of warm fluids during menses and using hot watter bottle as formentation for the cramps
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
thank you mam for your suggestion. I have done 2-3 times ultrasound and result has come as normal. but the pain is bery severe and it last for 4 to 5 days. kindly help me , i become clueless.
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
please do hot water formentation and take tab drotin ds twice daily for the menstrual pain.Also take plenty of oral fluids