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PAST HISTORY : i have no medical history
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
At times there are white small cysts in between penis and scrotum which can occur. Basically they are a collection of dead cells which should go off in few days.
you did not tell me about the color.
Do you see the lump every time you see your penis or does it occasionally move in also and you are unable to view it also.?
Are there any associated symptoms like fever, pain in urination, change in the urine's character?
Continue testicular examination and watch for any changes or persistence of the lump. Other swelling associated with testes can be hydrocele,hernia also.
If you feel stressed up then you may go for an ultrasound of testes.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hi Doctor, This lump is formed under the skin( inner side of the skin). I can see only normal skin no specific colour change. I can find the lump always. If the scrotum is loose it is present in the lower base of the penis. If the scrotum is tight it is present in the top of the scrotum. In the tight case the lump is not clearly visible only if I give light pressure from the bottom side. No symptoms like fever, no pain in urination, no change in urine's character and colour. No pain in masturbation too. I am not married and 23 years old(No relationship). nearly one month I can see this lump. I can see No swelling. Occasionally I can feel like something is there in the spot. Is this a symptom of testicular cancer? If so is there any treatment for that cancer? I have penis curvature and from childhood both the testis are not same size. Is this any problem? How can I get rid of this lump? We can cure it in medicine or surgery is needed? How can I send the picture of this lump. And I don't understand that ultrasound testes.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
This should not be cancerous,however it can be confirmed only after examination and investigation that it is non cancerous but usually it should be cyst and you should keep examining it once in a while whether if it increases in size or sudden pain increases or there are changes in urine or sudden redness is there then it some thing to be concerned about
If you want to confirm then you may visit a surgeon and he will order for some investigation and that will confirm the diagnosis what exactly it is and then treated accordingly,right now it has to be just left like that without any much intervention if it is not disturbing you,and notice it for a few days.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hi Doctor, Thanks for explaining me in detail. I observed that lump today. Like you said the lump moving in occasionally. It is not visible all the time. What symptom is this? If it is Cyst how it should be treated? What type of surgeon should i consult? What is the main cause of this cyst? Will this affect the reproductive system? My two follow up questions are over. Thanks in advance doctor.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Whatever i had told was according to what you told me intially that you can feel lump all the time,you have to show to a genral surgeon and to get your self examined.
1)Is it attached to some structure like some cord like or any testis ?
The cyst usually due to collection of necroses of tissue and and should go away by cells in a few days
But if it is a structure which is visible at times or felt at times then it can't be a cyst,it might be starting of hernia or tumor so kindly visit a general surgeon for examination and final treatment is usually surgical in this case and it should not affect the reproductive system.