i had sex with my gf yesterday
  i had sex with my gf yesterday

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i had sex with my gf yesterday at 11pm and she took unwanted 72 on next day at 5pm... means today.. she is having fever now.. what are the chances of get pregnent and is this fever is normal?


1 Answers


There can be a number of reasons of having fever,this is not neccesary that she had fever because she had sex.Fever can never be normal.
Which day of period cycle of your g.f was going on when you had sex.
Although chances of pregnancy are less if you have had emergency contraceptive but still can be there.

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Hello, I began my period on Monday and I feel as though i have an abrasion on the right side of my vaginal opening. Yesterday, removing a tampon was uncomfortable, but today the pain was nearly unbearable. I also began experiencing UTI symptoms yesterday (urge to pee, pain in urethra and bladder at the end of urine stream). I was recently on antibiotics for a sinus infection and took my last pill on Monday. I've also been tested for STDs within the last year and have had the same sex partner. My hubby and I did have rough sex on Sunday but I felt fine and I urinated as normal. Could the antibiotics have given me a uti? What do you think about the scratched feeling? I'm getting worried.

  Doctor's Answer

HI, Abrasion,or may be a scratchy feeling that you are having can have many causes out of which 1)Having rough sex is amongst the common causes 2)If you had sex before actually your vagina was wet(then causing an injury is relatively easy),you might not have been aroused properly 3)UTI itself is among the common causes giving you such a feel. I don't think that you may have had UTI because of any antibiotic,but if you have too less water during antibiotic course and antibiotic taken is a he ...
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i am a 24 yr old girl , i had a medical abortion at 6 march 2013 last month. i had all my blood test done prior and it was normal. i had also undergone a pelvic usg and i was 5 weeks pregnant. after 2 weeks from abortion i had a pelvic usg done and doctor reassured it was done and my uterus was empty.i strted bleeding on 21st march 2013 and doctor said she's not sure but could be my periods (bleeding started 1 day after i was assured uterus empty). yesterday 03 april 2013 about after 30 days , i am having right side lower abdominal pain travelling downwards and diarhea all day and discharge from vagina. the discharge is not smelly but its continusly coming like a string . i am worried as i do not know what is happening . why am i having diarrhea pain and discharge. is it jus a virus or do i have some infection ? Pid ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The pain in lower abdominal area which you are felling near your uterus is not necessary,that there is some pathology in your uterus only.Pain can also be accompanied with loose motions in that area and you also might be having some kind of urinary infection which might be causing that pain(the pain would wean of as soon your intestinal infection gets better and your discharge seems to reduce). Creamy white discharge should be due to fungal or yeast infection only, Apply that cream candid b ...
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i had sex with my husband last month on 11 march. he used condom but he felt that protection has failed so gave me unwanted 72. after 1 day on 13 march we again had sex. this time also he used condom but this time we both sure that there is nothing to wary so i didn't take unwanted 72. next day i was bleeding continuously for 3 days. my periods date was 4 march but still don't get my period. my pregnancy test was negative and i m taking pill to get my period. what to do pls help me

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The day you must have finished your tablets for bringing periods,the periods will come around 5-10 days after the last day you had your tablets. Unwanted 72 is a hormonal drug and and it is not neccesary that it will disturb your cycle at one go,that depends from person to persons hormonal structure how your body reacts to those drugs but if taken plenty of times they can cause you hormonal imbalance and should be avoided as much as possible. ...
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Hi, I am 28years old and married 4years ago. I am trying to concieve. I am having PCOS and lil high prolactin. I have done the follicle study 3times and all the 3times egg was released but no success in getting preg. This time too my doctr gave me initial 5days siphine 100mg tablets and did scanning till 14th day however i was having multiple small follicles. Doctor told me this time chances for releasing egg is less however i will get my period on time. Now it is 40th day and i have done home preg test but negative. Usually whenever i have taken 5days siphine 100mg tablets i used to get my periods on 28 to 30days. What is the reason for delay in getting my period this time? Will there be chances for preg ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! If your pregnancy test is negative( home kit),then you should still get a blood test to rule out pregnancy.This is called a serum beta hcg test and can be done in any routien laboratory any time of the day.This test if value less tahne 5 will confirm that there is no pregnancy. Your period can also be delayed due to PCOD, like you said that the doctor said that the eggs were not ruptured in this cycle.If the pregnancy beta hcg test is negative ,take withdrawal medication of meprate and star ...
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My wife drunk wine (2 pegs) in the night and morning 9AM she had the Femilon Tablet. She is getting vomitting in the evening at 5PM. Please help me to find out the problem is because of the drunk and tablet mixing?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! Usually if drinks are taken in the night and tablet is taken in the morning, and if the patient vomits,it is not due to drink and the tablet mixing . Your patient can repeat the dose of femilon if she vomitted after taking the tablet femilon ,within 20 minutes to half an hour of taking the tablet. ...
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Hello, I began my period on Monday and I feel as though i have an abrasion on the right side of my vaginal opening. Yesterday, removing a tampon was uncomfortable, but today the pain was nearly unbearable. I also began experiencing UTI symptoms yesterday (urge to pee, pain in urethra and bladder at the end of urine stream). I was recently on antibiotics for a sinus infection and took my last pill on Monday. I've also been tested for STDs within the last year and have had the same sex partner. My hubby and I did have rough sex on Sunday but I felt fine and I urinated as normal. Could the antibiotics have given me a uti? What do you think about the scratched feeling? I'm getting worried.
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i had sex with my husband last month on 11 march. he used condom but he felt that protection has failed so gave me unwanted 72. after 1 day on 13 march we again had sex. this time also he used condom but this time we both sure that there is nothing to wary so i didn't take unwanted 72. next day i was bleeding continuously for 3 days. my periods date was 4 march but still don't get my period. my pregnancy test was negative and i m taking pill to get my period. what to do pls help me
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Hi, I am 28years old and married 4years ago. I am trying to concieve. I am having PCOS and lil high prolactin. I have done the follicle study 3times and all the 3times egg was released but no success in getting preg. This time too my doctr gave me initial 5days siphine 100mg tablets and did scanning till 14th day however i was having multiple small follicles. Doctor told me this time chances for releasing egg is less however i will get my period on time. Now it is 40th day and i have done home preg test but negative. Usually whenever i have taken 5days siphine 100mg tablets i used to get my periods on 28 to 30days. What is the reason for delay in getting my period this time? Will there be chances for preg ?
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hello sir/madam,....I had unprotected sex with my partner few days back...after 2-3 days of the act I started having red patch wid a small round white lesion(like ulcer) on my frenulum of penis and inner part of the prepuce....plus from the next day I started having pain in my floor of the mouth plus having bleeding while brushing my teeth(after brushing when I spit I see blood but cannot find the origin of the bleed...I have not got any blood test done...I am very worried whether its an STD or something more serious like cancer or HIV.....plus the female with whom I had sex also suffered from infection wid burning sensation and pain while urinating the next day and she took third generation cephalosporin tablet and placentrex gel for 3 days which relieved her symptoms....please suggest me what should I do....thanks in advance....
1 Answer