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Dr. Pradeep Sheth answered : 11 years ago
If you are not seeing any flashes of light, you should not worry about them. If you have high minus glasses, get your Retina checked up.
Dr. SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA answered : 11 years ago
Red eye is due to many problems. If you had been taken steroid treatment under the supervision of any eye specialist then go for the retina check up by any retina specialist. If not then 1st go to any eye specialist for complete check up.
Dr. HARJEET SINGH answered : 11 years ago
Do not use steroid drops for prolonged period without specialist approvalas it has serious side effects. Get your reina checked by a retinal specialist as these are due to vitreous floaters
Dr. Shripad Mahamuni answered : 11 years ago
It Has nothing to do with Red Eye And medicine you hv put !!!! Floater has very specific pathophysiology !!!! Very common troublesome ruled out By examining it with Vitro-Retinal Surgeon !!!!!! Its typically Dangerous until not confirmed !!!!!