Total Views: 506
PAST HISTORY : Had ectopic last 2009 , pcos since 2013 take hormonal pills since 2013 to 2016, June July 2017 take clomid but negative sept 2017 undergo fsh injection and ovidrel injection but still negative,
Dr. Christine Marie Rubio answered : 7 years ago
Hi there. Do you have any symptoms such as heavy bleeding during menstruation or abnormal pattern of menstruation? If there are symptoms, the only way to manage endometrial polyp is thru curettage or hysteroscopic polypectomy. However if you are not experiencing any abnormal symptom, then the polyp can be just observed.
Patient asked followup Question: 7 years ago
Hi doc I didn't experience any heavy bleeding but I have very small spot like a dot , last month day 14, this month day 20 , I also take duphaston once a day from day 16 to day 25
Dr. Christine Marie Rubio answered : 7 years ago
Your symptoms are very minimal. There is still room for oservation for a few months. But if symptoms persist or worsen, hysteroscopic polypectomy might be the next best option.