I got my pennis 5-inch at erec
  I got my pennis 5-inch at erec

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I got my pennis 5-inch at erection state, how can I increase its size.

1 Answers

Size doesn't matter.
There is no treatment to increase the length of the penis,
(An Archer is known by is Aim but not with his length of his arrow) So don't worry about the size, try to know about the good love making instead of worry about the size

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Hi, I am really stressed and don't want to self diagnos and go crazy, but I have had this (pimple, ulcer, follicule infection or chancre on the side of the shaft of my penis. I don't know which one it is. I don't have medical but I am signing up on Tuesday for state medical..... The story is it appear maybe a week after a day and a half masterbation marathon I am embarrassed to say I had. It started as just a burning sensation on the side like I ripped the skin which I have done before. So I just didnt touch it. That was on a Sunday then Monday Xmas I tried to have sex with my lady and I couldn't cause of the pain and burning sensation on the skin. We started and stopped. 3 days after that in the same burning area 1 pimple formed with maybe 2 smaller ones. Very small ones... I I tried to masterbate again and it seemed as if it irritated the area and another one grew. They got to an ok size and where kind of painful. Then they grew and seemed to bust and started to go down. They look some like a chancre or a lesion when it was going down. They itch a little bit I guess that's from healing but I am freaked out. I had unprotected sex with another woman maybe a month before the night I began the marathon. I have pics please help.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You might either be having STD or you might have ripped of your skin ,which might have also caused an ulcer. 1. Are you having any pain during micturition ? 2. Are you having any burning sensation during micturition ? 3. Are the ulceration rigid ? 4. Are there any glands on penile area ? 5. Any kind of secretion from ulcer or any kind of discharge ? If it is an STD then it can only be diagnosed by a scraping or specimen of discharge Please kindly describe the kind of ulcer(whether it is ...
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uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If at 6 weeks of pregnancy no foetal node or yolk sac is seen on an ultrasound then termination of pregnancy is the only option. Feel free to ask further questions. ...
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Does redbull increase your erection time and is there any medicen where i can increase my erection n ejaculation tyme

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Redbull can not have any effect on your erection time and specially ejaculation time.it is an energy drink and you may feel energetic just for a few minutes after having it and might give you a feel that you are feeling energetic and you may be able to perform better. Now yes there are drugs which can be given to increase your erection time as well as ejaculation time but drugs do have side effects and they can be prescribed only after examination.(because they have serious side effects) ...
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I have 4 problems to discuss and which i need a detailed answer. 1. Wants to increase the girth and length of penis by 1 inch. 2. Without erection, while my partner is shaking the penis, ejaculation happens. 3.When the penis is erected it doesn't have sufficient strength, it quickly goes down. 4. During the above stage, while inserting , ejaculation occurs in seconds, thus the duration of sex life is just 15 or 30 seconds.

  Doctor's Answer

As you are a 30 year old, I assume that you have a regular sexual partner 1. The shape and size of one's penis is determined largely by hereditary factors and to a small extent by environmental factors like level of sexual activity and cardiovascular health . There is no acceptable method in the world which can increase one's organ size. Better cardiovascular health through aerobic exercise, giving up smoking and alcohol , improved nutrition will help in proper erection of penis. 2. When your p ...
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I am 24 years of age. 2 years back, i came to know that the fore skin on my pennis is not moving when my pennis is errected. So one of my friend said that sunthi surgery will solve this problem. From that time I am very afraid of my sexual life in future. I am unmarried person. So wanted to know details about sunthi operation and also wanted to knoe whether is that the only way that i need togo through? How much time will it take for sunthi operation and how much it will cost? I read some negative comments on sunthi operation. Also wanted to know the precautions need to take after operation and how many days it will take to overcome the operation pain? Please help me on this. I will be thankful to you.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You are probably suffering from phimosis,and surgical treatment for phimosis is cicumcission and preputioplasty and circumcission is known as sunithi in hindi(most probably). Circumcission can be done under local anasthesia or if you are scared of surgery then it can also be done under genral anasthesia,the cost of surgery varies from hospital to hospital and kind of hospital facility. The stiches will be removed after one week,and you will be discharged the same day if you get the surgery ...
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Hi, I am really stressed and don't want to self diagnos and go crazy, but I have had this (pimple, ulcer, follicule infection or chancre on the side of the shaft of my penis. I don't know which one it is. I don't have medical but I am signing up on Tuesday for state medical..... The story is it appear maybe a week after a day and a half masterbation marathon I am embarrassed to say I had. It started as just a burning sensation on the side like I ripped the skin which I have done before. So I just didnt touch it. That was on a Sunday then Monday Xmas I tried to have sex with my lady and I couldn't cause of the pain and burning sensation on the skin. We started and stopped. 3 days after that in the same burning area 1 pimple formed with maybe 2 smaller ones. Very small ones... I I tried to masterbate again and it seemed as if it irritated the area and another one grew. They got to an ok size and where kind of painful. Then they grew and seemed to bust and started to go down. They look some like a chancre or a lesion when it was going down. They itch a little bit I guess that's from healing but I am freaked out. I had unprotected sex with another woman maybe a month before the night I began the marathon. I have pics please help.
1 Answer
uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..
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Does redbull increase your erection time and is there any medicen where i can increase my erection n ejaculation tyme
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I have 4 problems to discuss and which i need a detailed answer. 1. Wants to increase the girth and length of penis by 1 inch. 2. Without erection, while my partner is shaking the penis, ejaculation happens. 3.When the penis is erected it doesn't have sufficient strength, it quickly goes down. 4. During the above stage, while inserting , ejaculation occurs in seconds, thus the duration of sex life is just 15 or 30 seconds.
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I am 24 years of age. 2 years back, i came to know that the fore skin on my pennis is not moving when my pennis is errected. So one of my friend said that sunthi surgery will solve this problem. From that time I am very afraid of my sexual life in future. I am unmarried person. So wanted to know details about sunthi operation and also wanted to knoe whether is that the only way that i need togo through? How much time will it take for sunthi operation and how much it will cost? I read some negative comments on sunthi operation. Also wanted to know the precautions need to take after operation and how many days it will take to overcome the operation pain? Please help me on this. I will be thankful to you.
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