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PAST HISTORY : I do sex with my boy friend on 27th of jan and i have taken mt pill within 40 hours. my period date is 16th of every month.but this month period still not started.can u please help me how to deal with that.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The pill you have taken is wrong (it is used for causing abortion in females who have a confirmed pregnancy) and you had to take an emergency contraceptive within 72 hours and not the drug which causes abortion because you were not having pregnancy at that time and you din't want to have one also.
And you should never have that( mt pill)drug by yourself as that can cause incomplete abortion which may lead to sepsis and is dangerous and not meant for self administration
For now first of all bring a pregnancy kit,the urine pregnancy test kit available in market and do a test for yourself for confirming pregnancy (since you have missed you period it might be positive). If it is positive then this time you will need an mt pill,which is not given alone. There are drugs given along with it and you should visit a gynaecologist for that(so that you can have a full examination and be prescribed with proper drugs).