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PAST HISTORY : Dear sir,
This is all about my son of 32 months.
From last four months he is constipated. And now on a dose of 5 ml lactulose twice a day from last 3 months. And also taking 5 ml sorbilol suspension from last two days.
Also he needs enema after every 8 days.
We have changed his total diet from last 40 Days. He eats lot of vegetables, 2 apples, 3 chiku, beans, carrots, cucumber and chapati.
No Bakery atoms and fast foods.
We have gave him BONNISAN 5 ml (Himalaya Herbal) for his appetite for a year . Is a present constipation gifted by lon term use of BONNISAN.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Guide about enema also.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I want info about high fiber diet. I have searched web for this, I found + and - results about banana. Is it helpful in constipation or not ? and what about popcorns ? I fond some names like PRUNE, PEARS, Figs, Apricots, Peaches . What are these Fruits ? Can I get these names in Marathi. Is Lactulose and sorbitol are addictive ?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I am sure that the cause for such long constipation can't just be Bonnisan,but there has to be some cause for such long lasting constipation. Ifact that was my first question - hasn't the baby being investigated for the cause of constipation(because you did not mention it anywhere) ? Because drugs like lactulose syrup or sorbitol syrup are just relieving agents(effective for that moment),and they don't treat the disease from inside.
The causes can be Hirschsprung’s disease and other metabolic diseases like hypercalcemia; hypothyroidism; and, more rarely, diabetes insipidus. Other causes include gluten enteropathy, cystic fibrosis, and lead toxicity.
Is child having any behavioural changes or problems in development?
Is he malnourished or underweight?
Get the following tests or if you have tests then attach the reports of the tests like throxine level,calcium level,sweat test,has he been investigated for celiac disease.
However high fiber diet has less role to play for children it is usually for adults.(banana are not helpful,however popcorns are said to be helpful),other helpful foods can be beans,sweet potato,peas,raw tomatoes,vegetable soup.You should avoid regular use of enema and should be used only if the child has not passed stools since 3-4 days. You have been using it way too frequently and it should be avoided and if he is having such constipation,then you should visit a gastroenterologist and just don't stop drugs without permission of a doctor after he starts getting soft stools.