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Dr. Kinjal Christian answered : 4 years ago
Hello madam, you are not able to make afist or move your fingers because of gradual stiffness that has developed over time due to less movement at that joints. I suggest that since it's been a month of your operation, you should continue physiotherapy to regain motion or else your joints will become more stiff allowing limited motion. You can start with PWB(Parrafin Wax Bath ) Therapy for loosening the stiffness or immerse your hand and wrist in hot water (normal bearable temperature) for 10-15 min. After that you can do stretching movements, squeezing the smiley ball/clay, and active movements of your wrist and fingers. Do regular exercises 3 times a day for at least a month for a good recovery. Hope you find this advice helpful. Wishing you a full recovery. Thank you and take care.