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Dr. Dilbans Pandher answered : 11 years ago
Osteoarthritis is a process of aging. Its same as losing your teeth, hair going grey, skin developing wrinkles, or eye sight losing power.
Difference between all these and osteoarthritis is that symptoms of rest of the systems are gradually progressive with no acute flair ups. To elaborate, as you grow old you will lose teeth one by one, but it does not happen that one day 5 teeth are lose and over next week or so 4 get fixed again and one falls off.
On contrast in osteoarthritis, though disease is gradually progressive disease, has acute flair ups due to erosion of cartilage. This pain generally decrease over time in early stage. All you need is some analgesic for few day.
The drug industry of Osteoarthritis (OA) thrives on this fact. Market is flooded with medicines to treat OA. Which according to me is a aging process and there is no treatment for aging. Its only life style modification.
You will never find treatment offers for
1. greying of hair (other than hair dye)
2. Skin wrinkles (Other than some creams)
3. Loosening of teeth (other than some 'Manjans')
Because you can look at the mirror and tell ITs NOT WORKING
In OA knee, pain is going to subside anyways in significant percentage of patients, even without medicines. So there are medicines to make MONEY out of this natural healing process.
More so medical companies know that INDIAN patient wants to avoid surgery at any cost. So they fool them. 6000 per month is 72000 for 1 year. So in 2 year treatment cost you can get a knee replacement surgery at good hospital in Jalandhar. Which has 95 to 98 % chances of being pain free for rest of your life.
I hope my reply is clear and you can make decision