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Dr. Pragnesh Shah answered : 10 years ago
Yes, There are good chances of natural conception and becoming pregnant , provided your both tubes are normal i.e. patent with good tubo-ovarian relationship in Laparoscopy. You can send laparoscopy video to interpret your tubal status in Laparoscopy. S.AMH level is also very important to understand your ovarian reserve for natural conception. Please send this blood report-S.AMH level. For Left 10 cms left chocolate cyst , laparoscopic surgery should be done by experienced Gyn.laparoscopic surgeon for relief of monthly pain during menstruation and preservation of residual ovarian tissue and to know the status of both fallopian tubes. So please go for Laparoscopy & hysteroscopy with doctor who offers video of surgery and offers transparency in treatment so that same video can be useful to take the second opinion afterword from another infertility specialist for understanding the chances of natural conception in future.