Total Views: 1593
PAST HISTORY : Taking medicine for High Blood pressure (Primodil 5) for last 3 years and also taking medicine for Thyroid (Thronorm 5 mcg)
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
This is otherwise a very common symptom , but not that common due to the drug primodial 5.
I would not suggest you for changing anti hypertensive drug when she is having normal bp on that drug.
I would recommend you to get the blood sugar levels done (fasting and pp levels ) and she can have tablet neurokind plus pnce daily it can be nerve pain.
Update me with her blood sugar levels.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Hi, Thanks very much for your response. Her blood sugar levels have been normal in past. She got the sugar (random) checked last week and it came out to be 116, She got the sugar (fasting) done too last year and it was normal. Our physician here is suggesting to take Newtel-H40 for Blood Pressure instead of Primodal 5. Hence wanted to get second opinion on that too.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
Are the lipid levels raised of your mother ?
The drug can be changed to this if there is some reason , if no reason then antihypertensive drug need not be changed
Update me her lipid levels.