Hello is it possible for a wom
  Hello is it possible for a wom

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Hello is it possible for a womb that has been distorted by fibroid to carry a pregnancy?

PAST HISTORY : I only had a scan twice

1 Answers

Hi .
It depends on the number, size and location of the fibroid. If the fibroid is located on the outer wall of the uterus, with the cavity of the uterus intact, pregnancy should be possible.
I will require to see your scan reports and other details for an accurate prognosis.

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I need to have Knee Lubrication Injection as knee replacement surgery seems risky and may be difficult for my weight to carry on after operation. Pls advise. Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Hi I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi yes, you can take injection, but remember, its effect lasting for 3 months to 1 year only, mean while you should do physiotherapy. But if joints are damaged completely, there is no option but to surgery Hope this will help should you have any queries, please donot hesitate ...
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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, History told by you favours irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ). There are two alarming signs in your case : Firstly, loss of weight and that to10kg approx. Secondly, sensation of carrying a weight in stomach. Both of them do occurs in IBS. But to be on safer side,I would suggest you to go for colonoscopy again because it was done 1 yr back and symptoms have aggravated few months back. Treatments available for IBS - - Increase the level of physical activity. - Have regular meals and take t ...
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My husband age 65 had to have his lower left wisdom tooth removed because there was a cavity on the tooth before the wisdom tooth. The original doctor only removed the tooth November 26, 2012, was given Norco for pain and recommended to take ibuprofen for pain. My husband had pain, and swelling. Original dentist packed the tooth with a special pack. Husband also applied clove oil. He talked to oral surgeons. Went to another surgeon and was given steroids, and antibiotics. My husband had dry socket and the hole was not closing up. So the new surgeon recommended a water pick and brushing the area vigorously to stimulate circulation. THe hole is closing up. Also, a root tip was found and had to be removed which added new pain. My husband is trying to not taking Norco anymore and trying to reduce ibuprofen. But pain level is 1-3 with twinges in jaw. It's been 8 wks. Is that normal? The original wisdom tooth had fused to the bone and had to be sawed in half to be removed. The cavity still hasn't been filled due to other pain.

  Doctor's Answer

You have mentioned dry socket, the appropriate treatment for that is use of local antibiotics and systemic analgesics. Kindly get a radiograph done and ask your dentist to irrigate and flush the area before inserting the local medication. ...
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uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If at 6 weeks of pregnancy no foetal node or yolk sac is seen on an ultrasound then termination of pregnancy is the only option. Feel free to ask further questions. ...
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Will I be able to conceive and carry on with the pregnancy successfully. My Doctor has prescribed the following medicines : 1. Decdan 0.5 mg 2. Ovafar 50 mg 3. Inj hMG 75 IW (Im) - Humog Follicle Size in mm on Day 11 - 02.02.13 = 11x11 on Day 15 - 06.02.13 = ruptured Please explain what the follicle report indicates and why the above medicines have been prescribed to me

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For detection of thrombophilias ,kindly get blood tests that are-anti thrombin 3,protein c,protein s,anti phospholipid antibodies-igg and igm,these tests are covered under thrombophilia screen offered by most labs and can be done without doctor prescription ...
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