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Dr. Rahul Varma answered : 11 years ago
A normal 1 and half month old baby can pass 8 to 10 times semi loose motion with some water and some stool particles. and most of the time soon after feeds. they are called Gastro colic reflux. If following 3 things are normal you need not worry and no need to give unneccassry medicnes
1. Baby feeding well
2. Baby passing urine more than 10 times in 24 hour.
3. There is no blood in motions.
4. Baby is gaining weight well.
Rash will also go with time once the frequency of motions decrease.
Most important is to have a protective barrier between skin and motion. can simply apply cocount oil or vaseline petroleum jelly. But u have put after every time child passes motion that mean it could be more than 10 times. clean the area very gently with cotton cloths (no synthetic stuff).
Exclusive breast feeding and patience on your part is needed.
you can read more on my website (www.**url**)
Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal