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Dr. Sameer Kad answered : 12 years ago
Hello Sir,
Usually SLIP DISC is associated with symptoms as pain in lower back region sometimes radiating to legs , stiffness in back , numbness in legs .Lifting of heavy weights or sudden bending of spine usually leads to this problem .
First and foremost treatment is COMPLETE BED REST.
Take muscle relaxants daily along with analgesics.
HOT FOMENTATION in the lower back region will do wonders for you.Do it three times a day followed by light application of a analgesic gel.
Take a course of nerve multivitamin like methycobalamin , .
Go to a physiotherapist after a week of bed rest for IFT or SWD therapy along with spinal extension exercises which will strengthen your spinal muscles.
Take precautions such as avoid lifting of heavy weights , forward bending and sudden jerks to spine .
Feel free to ask any more questions.