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Dr. Niti Parmar answered : 11 years ago
There are different treatment modalities for reduced mouth opening depending on its severity. You need to take multivitamin supplements containing zinc and antioxidants. You need physiotherapy exercise where your dentist will guide you. If the damage is much severe then local injections can be given on the fibrous bands that are formed that caused restriction in mouth opening. In very severe cases the bands are cut surgically. Visit a dentist near by soon.
Dr. Niti Parmar answered : 11 years ago
Tobacco is not the only reason for reduced mouth opening, intake of excessive spicy food also leads to this. So avoid hot and spicy food.
Dr. Shahzeb Ahmad Khan answered : 11 years ago
Here the question arises Whether you are feeling irritation towards spices or not? If not ,the Physiotherapy will work wonderfully. But if yes,then its a problem of concern ,you might be having a bands on your Buccal mucosa and you Should start avoiding red and green chillies by today only ,and start up with the proper treatment.Here the Antioxidants and local injections help you out.
Dr. rishabh khare answered : 11 years ago
firstly congratulations on quitting a life threatening habit. now if you are feeling any of these two symptoms along with reduced mouth opening then there is a matter of concern. they are
1) recurrent oral ulcers
2) burning sensation in mouth on eating spicy food or chillies.
if you are having these symptoms contact a dentist soon.
if not then also consult a dentist who will tell you some multivitamin supplements containing antioxidants and some physiotherapy exercises which will help you to regain mouth opening.
feel free to query further.