dear sir i am prashant age 22
  dear sir i am prashant age 22

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dear sir i am prashant age 22 yr old . from last 15 days i have pain in my legs so i was quite unable to walk and run , even to stand up i reuired some support .as per my MRI concern the doct says your spinal veins gets press so we need to do exercice sir plz tell me your suggestion for the sam e , and give me best solution or suggestion

1 Answers

Hay prashant, from the symptom what you are telling seem its slip dics. but the extant of compression depends on the level of disc been bulged. so i would require your MRI report. for exs plz contact a physiotherapist near by you. but plz make a note. the physio should have either BPT/MPT qualification. MPT Ortho prefer.

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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, History told by you favours irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ). There are two alarming signs in your case : Firstly, loss of weight and that to10kg approx. Secondly, sensation of carrying a weight in stomach. Both of them do occurs in IBS. But to be on safer side,I would suggest you to go for colonoscopy again because it was done 1 yr back and symptoms have aggravated few months back. Treatments available for IBS - - Increase the level of physical activity. - Have regular meals and take t ...
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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The Doppler examination shows a thrombus in the deep veins with partial recanalization. This suggests that the thrombus is of a chronic nature. The Doppler can be repeated after one month of treatment to see residual thrombus. We do not provide any prescription. For this you have to visit an internal medicine specialist. Feel free to ask more questions. ...
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hi i have a female friend , she used to to smoke Hookah tobacco for 3 months then suddenly she stopped smoking , now she feels heart pain (heart beats faster ), chest pain (hard to breath and some timed coughs blood ) and back pain when she went to the hospital the doctor said you must stop smoking hookah gradually not stop suddenly so what do u recommend and is it true that this is the only solution for this problem ? or is there some kind of pills or medical solution? i don't her to smoke again cause if she tries again she may be addicted again to hookah tobacco so please i want a better solution then this solution

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have not told me about the age of the patient ,with only history available that she was a smoker,following might be the causes - - Bronchitis - Brochiectasis - Lung carcinoma - Pneumonia For all of these you will have to leave smoking.You may quit smoking suddenly but doctors at might not recommend it because this might suddenly lead to dropping of hormone levels in blood which might cause depression. For knowing about the exact cause about the disease, I will have to know ...
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42 yo female. I have an approx. pencil eraser sized lumped on my right tonsil that is flesh colored and in which I can see the veins in. There is a spot of white on the front of the lump I'm thinking could be bacteria. My concern with the lump is that it appears more as a hemroid would, a lump pushed through the skin wall, not as a lump sitting on the skin wall. I have used a q-tip to investigate the lump with no change. It is near the top of the side of my throat above the tonsil where the throat is starting to curve up. It is smooth all around this spot with only this lump coming down from the wall of my throat there, and the flesh color and veins match that of the smooth skin surrounding it.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Try not to worry too much. There are many conditions associated with bulging neck veins, enlarged or swollen glands & lump or bulge. Tell us if you have history of smoking in past, sudden weight loss, bad breath, sore throat, hoarseness,fever or pain during swallowing. Most probably it is just an infection or tonsillolith(tonsil stone) and both of them are easily curable. We are here to help and support you through this. Feel free to ask further questions. ...
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I am 29 Years old man who had a ligament tear in my right knee 14 months back. Though i can walk properly and can run slowly but cannot run hard because if i do so my right knee buckle and i fall down. I have not had a surgery till now though i had some physio therapist treatment but it dint heal well enough.Can i go for the surgery now? How long should i be in rest,i mean after the surgery as i am working?What would be the total cost of the treatment and surgery?

  Doctor's Answer

As you can already walk there is no requirement of surgery, just continue physiotherapy to strengthen muscles around knee joint. ...
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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?
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42 yo female. I have an approx. pencil eraser sized lumped on my right tonsil that is flesh colored and in which I can see the veins in. There is a spot of white on the front of the lump I'm thinking could be bacteria. My concern with the lump is that it appears more as a hemroid would, a lump pushed through the skin wall, not as a lump sitting on the skin wall. I have used a q-tip to investigate the lump with no change. It is near the top of the side of my throat above the tonsil where the throat is starting to curve up. It is smooth all around this spot with only this lump coming down from the wall of my throat there, and the flesh color and veins match that of the smooth skin surrounding it.
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I am 29 Years old man who had a ligament tear in my right knee 14 months back. Though i can walk properly and can run slowly but cannot run hard because if i do so my right knee buckle and i fall down. I have not had a surgery till now though i had some physio therapist treatment but it dint heal well enough.Can i go for the surgery now? How long should i be in rest,i mean after the surgery as i am working?What would be the total cost of the treatment and surgery?
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