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PAST HISTORY : lumbar laminectomy and spine fusion 2 weeks ago
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I had a laminectomy and spine fusion - stitches to be removed tomorrow - I did masterbate last night- typical pain as before - just concerned
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes if you had only laminectomy then it might have been possible for you to go a little earlier(around 2 weeks) to your usual activities but when you have spine fusion to then you actually have to wait a little longer (around 6-8 weeks ) is the average resting resting period. Infact only to realize that your back pain has reduced, it will take around 3-4 weeks.
If you had the same pain, that is enough a message for you that it is not the right time to come back to your routine. It also depends upon the kind of approach of surgery so it might be answered by your primary surgeon.
Feel free to ask more questions.
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy