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PAST HISTORY : all of my ultrasound report is good
but there are few small folliciles in the periphery of both the ovaries and no developed follicles so is there any problem to conceive?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
If you are having some small follicles in periphery of ovary,that might be suugestive of pcod.
Now pateints with pcod might some times face difficulty in conceieving and some might not face much difficulty so it depends from pateint to pateint.
Are your periods regular or are you facing any irregularity ?
Are you obese ?
Please provide your menstural history.
Are you diabetic ?
Are you on any kind of medication,if yes please mention.
You should keep trying and if you are tryinng for a baby and you are unable to concieve for more than a year then we will get your hormonal tests done.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
its regular but before 7 to 8 month it seems irregular but by taking ayurveedic medicine now its regular but heavy bleeding is there. yes i am getting fatter. no not diabetic\ but i want a baby
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I had also asked you to elaborate to me about your menstural history,like after how many days you have you period date and for how many days they last.
Well if your cycle is regular then you should keep trying and specially have sex from 10th-20th day of your cycle,that is the best time to concieve and out of that also from 13-17 th day is best period.
Look if bleeding is too much or bleeding hapeens to frequently then we will get your test done.
Right now give your self a try,if you are not able to have a baby for 1 year after trying then we can give you drugs which may help you to concieve.
Since how long are you trying for a baby ?