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Dr. Nakkiran.PT k answered : 10 years ago
It won’t cure the ACL tear; however you may take this drug as per the Dr’s advice. It belonging to the category of anabolic-androgenic steroid. One of its use is to mask minor joint pain and old nagging injuries besides reducing the inflammation of soft tissues and promoting masculine (secondary sexual) characteristics, including growth of the vocal cords, testicles, and body hair.
Strictly not to use during the following conditions.
Pregnancy, Lactation, Known or suspected prostatic carcinoma or mammary carcinoma in the male, Hypersensitivity to the active substance, nandrolone decanoate, or any of the excipients,including arachis oil. Deca-Durabolin is therefore contraindicated in patients allergic topeanuts and soya, Nephrosis or the nephrotic phase of nephritis, Liver disease with impaired bilirubin excretion, Cardiac failure.