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PAST HISTORY : My wife undergone with Appendicitis surgery by Laparoscopic method on 7th of March 2013and my wife was suffering with the pain after surgery for one month. Then we decided to visit a surgeon and we went to surgeon, surgeon suggested with below medicines: 1. RABLET 20 TAB 2. CIFRAN OZ TAB 3. CATASPA TAB 4. SYRINGE 2 CC 5. BUSCOPAN 1ML INJ Taken CIFRAN-OZ 500mg for 5 days from 6th April 2013 and today (27th of April 2013) tested the pregnancy and it is positive. Kindly advice, how harmful this CIFRAN or above mentioned medicines for early pregnancy. And help us to take a right decision. My wife’s Last monthly periods on 2nd March 2013
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Cifran oz tablets are a combination of ciprofloxacin and ornidazole.Ciplox is not safe if taken in pregnancy but since you have taken cifran much earlier ,it is safe to continue the pregnancy.All other drugs-rablet( rabeprazole) and buscopan and cataspa are are all safe in pregnancy,so you need not worry and can continue the pregnancy.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thank you vary much for solving our problem. just to confirm if the above mentioned tablets will affect on baby's physical or mental conditions ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
we were bothering that my wife's monthly periods on 2 march and she took Cifran oz tablet from 7th April to 12th April 2013 and on 27th pregnancy is confirmed. as you mentioned in your answer that "You have taken cifran much earlier ". requesting you to re-confirm that this will not affect any thing bad on baby's health before or after birth.
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Only animal studies have confirmed that there are risks to the fetus and results are thus applicable to human studies.
Drugs like cifran affect joints of developing fetus if taken for prolonged periods in pregnancy.Whether the fetus is getting affected or not in your case cannot be said with absolute certainty as there are no studies to show that effect of this drug is visible in 100% cases or in such early pregnancy cifran has any effect.Also,there can be other factors affecting the pregnancy and all effect cannot be attributed to cifran alone.