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Sports And Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

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Dear doctors, I am a research scholar and working on signal transduction studies and regularly use several irritants and ion channel blockers. I am suffering from excess keratosis on palms and soles and some times deep painful fissures from almost two years. It was started as a small thickening patch an left arm and recovered after treatment with moisturizing creams. After that I went to Japan as part of my research programme and one nurse given me creams with anti-fungal compounds and urea but the problem was enhanced and started the deep fisures on my soles. I came back to India and used homeopathy medicine for one weak and after that i visited a doctor. He suggested me to apply lemon juice trice daily and use vitamin C along with high doses of antifungal tablets and creams. I used this medicine for 6 months which further worsen my situation and my skin became very thick and appeared like toe nails and spread-ed to all areas of palms and soles. I changed the doctor and he given me the isotretinol for 2 months and given vitamin A and D combination for 4 months which improved my condition alot. Now I am taking a dosage of 6000 IU Vit A and 1000 IU Vit D once for every 3days. Whether I will completely relieve from my problem with these medicines or is there any permanent recovery in ayurvedic?

U had allergic dermatitis problem this might be psychosomatic disease. . Cause are both external allergies chemicals etc internal weakened immunity changed blood composition nutritional deficiency etc. U Need proper ayurvedic treatment diet suppliment and even counselling. We have very good medicines and suppliments for ur problem. For more information call or what's app me on this site : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u ...

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Hi. I already asked a question before. I got reply for that and got expired. So i mentioned below my before question and reply:- Hi. i feel my nerves are weak. i'm 25 yrs old. My hands shake when i do some activities like when i take a tea cup my hands shake. When i'm drinking it slowly my hands shake. I feel very shy and afraid infront of everyone. I cant hold the pen and write normally as others do. I hold my pen very tight with my fingers and write. Then when i go in a bike, when i go in some speed i'm ok. When i go in a dead slow my hands shake. I feel more nervous when i stand in front of everyone. I also feel mild nerves pains in my legs and hands all the time. I'm about to marry in a year or two. I dont know why i get this. Is this occur due to i masturbate often? Is it curable? Can i get my nerves strong and hands without shaking? I'm not able to tell this to my parents. I'm very much afraid of this sir. Pls help me.. Reply for this:- Hi, First of all would like to clarify that it is not due to masturbation , it depends upon the cause whether it is curable or not. Do you feel any kind of numbness or any kind paresthesia in your hands or legs. Since how long are you having this problem and also describe in detail whether you are facing any other symptom or not and whether it was all of a sudden or the symptoms you are facing devloped gradually. Any problem in urine or dafecation ? Any history of trauma and is this pain bilateral or unilateral ? Any history of hypertension and diabetes ? You can get serum electrolyte level and vitamin d3 levels chceked in blood right now and also give me the awnser to above queries i asked you and then will let you know whether any other investigation is required or not. Would recomend you to have plenty of water and high protein diet and also one tablet of neurokind plus daily. My reply:- Yes i feel kind of parasthesia in my hands and legs. Actually i want to share a thing. I had laser surgery for my eyes before 2 years. That time doctor said my nerves are somewhat weak. May be its a family gene problem which could've occured for any others in your family. Anyway its not a problem for this surgery and they done it. I too okay with my eyes. As doctor said generally i feel nervous often. But last 6 months i feel kind of tickling or tingling in my hands and legs. I feel some like burning in my leg limbs. Others say all this occurs due to over masturbation. Help me..

Hi, Yes that much is ok no problems. ...

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Dear Sir / Mam....Help me please to solve my problem of hair attraction. Here I am want to tell you real and interesting story of my attraction of girls hair. Its happened with me in past. I am hair fetish. It starts when I was 14 years old. A girl about 20 years old was leaving near to my house. She has long and beautiful hair. Her hair length is up to her waist and her hair so smooth and silky. Whenever I saw her hair, I attracted to her beautiful hair and suddenly my penis is become tight. One day I went to her home for some work, at that time she was making her ponytail, my god it’s nice to see her making ponytail, when I saw suddenly my penis tight, then after finishing her ponytail she goes to another room then I just saw her hair in her hair brush then I catch all hair in hair brush and came back to my home with that bunch of hair. I make round shape of that bunch of hair, because they going here and there. Then I so excited that I got bunch of her hair. Then first I smell that bunch of hair (BOH). My god it’s so nice smell of that BOH. A clinic shampoo smell is coming from that BOH. It’s so nice feeling for me. When I touch her BOH then I feel her hair is so smooth and silky. Then I slept on bed in opposite direction and playing with that BOH, while playing that BOH, I was moving my penis here and there and I feel so nice at that time. Then my attraction of her BOH is going so strong that’s why I am going to eat that BOH, I took BOH in my mouth and trying to eating it. While playing, smelling, eating with that BOH I continuously moving my penis here and there. Then after some minutes my semen was ejected. Suddenly my attraction of that BOH is zero. Then I thought what I am doing, I am eating hair? It’s bad for my digestive system and harmful for my heath. Then I remove that BOH from my mouth and thrown into dust bean. Then next day I was thinking why I thrown that BOH into dust bean. Now what I do, my attraction towards her hair is going to strong. Then I went to her home for searching her BOH, and then I got it. But that BOH is now fresh, that BOH is 2-3 day old. I catch it and came back to my home. I took smell of that BOH but there is no good smell, but that BOH was bad smell like bun of hair. You know why that bad smell is going from that BOH, because that BOH in 2-3 day old and sunlight affected to that BOH. At that time I can’t do masturbation on that BOH. But I am trying to searches fresh BOH. Sometime I got fresh BOH sometime I not. When I got fresh BOH then I did masturbation on that when I not then I didn’t. Then I got new idea for hair masturbation that is when I didn’t get hair then I just record long hair video and images in my mind. When I didn’t have hair for masturbation then I used that recorded video and images which in my mind, means I didn’t imaginary hair masturbation. I first saw all long hair girls which in my area and save their long hair videos in m mind. Then at the time of masturbation I used that recorded videos of hair. I just imagine that I smell play and eat that girl’s hair and did masturbation on it. One day I saw a girl which was leaving near to my house and have nice hair, she cut her hair up to 4-5 inches. I was so sad but I am trying to search that hair pieces. Near to her house there was no girl’s beauty parlor. That girl has one another sister which have also long and sexy hair. Then I thought I think she cut her hair at home with help of her sister because no beauty parlor in our area, and I was right I found her hair pieces, my god it was so nice and fresh. Clink plus shampoo smell was coming in that hair pieces. I am so excited I collect all hair pieces and came back my home and did 2-3 time masturbation on that hair pieces. Then I burn all hair pieces I don’t know why I did this but I burn all hair. Then I am so sad because I don’t have her hair pieces. I asking myself why I burn her hair. Then I went to another city for next education, I was leaving with my roommate, he is working in private company. Near to my room there are near about 6-7 ladies beauty parlors. One beauty parlor has open window means you can see from road girl’s hair cut and their treatment. I always watch how girls cut their long hair and suddenly my penis getting tight while seeing their hair cut. I try to get that cut hair. One day I was wondering from one beauty parlor that beauty parlor is closed and outside that parlor then is one carry bag. I just thought definitely girls cut hair pieces in that carry bag. Then I tried to catch that carry bag. I woke up at 2.30 AM then went to that parlor at that time no one was there. Then I collected that carry bag and hide in my room. Then my room partner goes to his job then I open that carry bag and my god I was right there are lots of girls hair pieces, like 8-9 inches, 5-6 inches, 2-3 inches. I am so excited and suddenly my penis became tight. Then I just took smell of all hair pieces my god that hair was so fresh and smell was so nice. Some hair pieces has dove shampoo smell and some has different, but smell was good. Some hair pieces were wet. First sort all hair pieces according their type and did 2-3 times masturbation on that. I have one bad habit whenever I got hair pieces I did masturbation 2-3 times and thrown into dust bean. Now I don’t have any hair pieces still I got neat about 10-15 times hair pieces but all hair pieces I thrown into dust bean after 2-3 masturbation. I have got lots of time BOH (Bunch of hair) but I thrown all BOH into dust bean after one masturbation. Now I came back to my home here there is no one beauty parlor so now I am doing hair masturbation on facebook videos, photos and imaginary videos and photos. A girls which is leaving near to my house is getting married and now is not here so now I don’t have BOH (Bunch of Hair), Hair pieces. I have options for hair masturbation is facebook hair videos and photos also imaginary hair videos and photos. I can't control my sex emotions about hair....please understand me...When I saw beautiful and long hair photos and videos then suddenly my penis tight and want masturbates on that photo and videos ..please understand ..I can't control of Can I control this me ...please......

At. Calling & Whats app no- ********** *Visit us / Just walk in, No consultation fee for you FOR FREE CONSULTATION & Checkup: *101 years Price of Gold Quality Treatment – Rs 12,********** Days Medicine) Best quality total solution customized package treatments also available. Sexologist Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Dawakhana Clinic Shafakhana, EAST PATEL NAGAR, 1/14, (Opposite Metro Pillar No-173), Main Road, Ground Floor, New Delhi-110008, India. Timings : Mon to Sat : 10.30 am to 6.30 ...

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Dear Doctor, Kindly go through this lengthy letter to you with patience and kindly advise me proper advise to clear my mind . I am 72 year old male from India and strictly Vegetarian.I am not sedentary type and walks 4 ½ km every day in the morning and always active. IHD and BP and TYPE II DIABETES I have had IHD (T wave inversion) in the year 1977 and mild hypertension in 1981. DIABETES IN 2010. The doctor who has attended then on me prescribed Aten 50 in 1977. Since then I have been using Aten 50 in one form or other like Aten 50/Atenlol/Stamlobeta. 37 long years have passed with out any problem with either of these two conditions . My BP is quite normal 120/80 and some times 110/70 and some times on very few occassions 140/80 or 90 and my pulse rate will be around 58 to 65 most of the time . My BP on the day of the visting my physician is 140/80 as on 12th dec 2014. My diabetes is under control and am taking glycomet 250 mg twice a day. The attending physician who is an MD has prescribed Cresar 40 mg (Telmisartan) and asked me to stop taking Stamlobeta 50 mg which i am taking from 2006 and further said since i am using this Amlodipine combined Atenlol ,its time to change the medicine and Cresar will also take care of the diabetes and kidneys and heart (IHD) besides BP. As on 12th july 2014 my Lipid profile is very normal. Cholestrol 123 , Tryglycerides 141 ,HDL 53 and VLDL 23. Kindly advise on the following. 1. Since I am taking Stamlobeta since 2006 and prior to that Aten 50 from 1977 to 2006., do I have to taper stamlobeta dosage besides taking Cresar 40 mg? 2. Do i have to continue taking Stamlobeta in small dosage along with Cresar 40 mg?.If so in which dosage do I have to take? 3.Is cresar 40 mg safe for IHD patients also? Please do not form the impression that i have no confidence in my Physician. But i have a tendency to go for second opinion on new drugs before starting a new one. I do not blindly or in hasty manner take any new medicine .Hence I require an expert advise in the matter on the following. If you require any further info, kindly advise me. sincerely somayajulu

Hi, Cresar medication is not only safe for IHD patients but also is beneficial, and it really takes care of kidney, protects kidney from diabetic damage. if your blood pressure allows you can take both Cresar 40 and Atenolol 25 mg once daily ...

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Hello doc i had sexual exposure wid a pro before 1 year..2 weeks after exposure i got viral pharyngitis and fever,just after that one night i got severe pain in my knee which spread towards my feet arms everywhere..pain was throbbing,electrical,burning,crashing pain..this pain is still there,m just 27 years old and a sports player,this sudden pain has really degraded my life..i have tested for all veneral diseases upto 7 months in ahmedabad,all negative..even i took rna pcr test also that was also negative,my id doc in ahmedabad told me its all in your mind but infact its not,my whole body is paining,my legs hurts a lot,they get numb,i cant sleep properly bcoz of this pain..i have taken nerve conduction test for neuropathy,that also came normal..i hsve taken ra factor,ana test,anti ccp and aso titre also..all came negative..but my esr and crp were really high at 50 and both are normal..m fed up from this pain from last 1 year..currently my symptoms are joint cracking popping in whole body including my chest,pain in both feet.soles,knees both soles of feet and palms of hands have gotten beet red in colour from white,this is what scaring me along with cracking snd pain..currently i am taking libotryp xl 25 and duloxetene 30 mg before sleep..i cant sleep without this medicines because of pain..i wanna try homepathy as i have heard from my frdz and everyone that homeopathy can give best results which allopathy cant..i really want my life back,can i be pain free like earlier?

I hope that homeopathy could help to recover from your problem. Already you have given detailed history of your complaint. Need little more details to provide you the medicine. Kindly contact me to get more clear picture of your problem. So that I could suggest you. ...

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Hello Sir, My name is Sheetal Mansinghka, mother of Siddh Mansinghka (DOB 29/11/2008). We are currently in Dearborn, Detroit, United States. We got your reference from a friend over here who is from Delhi. We had a few questions regarding our child Siddh, let me start with giving a brief history about him. He was a pre-term baby born at the 8th month and his birth weight was 1.854 Kg. Since I have a medical condition I was on medication during the time he was born, I could not give him my milk and he was totally on top feed (formula milk) all throughout. Since he was 9 months which is when he had his first attack of “Croup”, he was after that for a year in and out of hospital for frequent “Croup” attacks. The frequency would be around 4-5 times a year. When he was around 3 years he had pneumonia as well. we were living in dubai then. We moved to india when he was around 3.50 years old, he was on homeopathic treatment for around 1.50 years during which time he had a croup attack just once. Once the homeopathic treatment was stopped the croup reoccur, and he continues to have this croup attack even now. Since he is grown up now the severity of the attacks is low and it is not serious anymore as it used to be when he 1 to 4 years. He usually recovers with once a day dose of “prednisolone” for 3 days. When we were in india last year in Chennai the pediatrician suggested us to see an ENT which we showed him to and who diagnosed him with “Laryngomalacia”. He said he will grow out of it around 8 years of age. The pediatrician at Fortis Chennai hospital asked us to basically give our child time and asked us to leave him alone and not go in for too many treatments for him. He said he will outgrow his issues with age. Another issue with him is that he is short in height and also weighs less. His height currently is 100 cm. and weight is 15.4 Kgs. The doctor over here i.e. Dr. Fratterrelli at Oakwood hospital took a wrist x-ray of his and he thinks that his age per the bones is around 3.50 years. He has referred us to an endocrinologist practicing at Beaumont hospital here. The endocrinologist got the blood tests done which we were told were normal and he has now scheduled us for a “Growth stimulation test” to be done for my son. We wanted to consult you and get your opinion on: a) Should we go for the growth hormone stimulation test? b) How can we help our son outgrow all these issues and help him grow fast? His growth is relatively slow. c) What should we do so that he lives a normal life in the future since he was not on breast feed as a child and which we are told can cause issues in the future? Sir, please let us know if it’s possible to talk over the phone and can we reach out to you for help in future. We will be here for another 6 months and will be returning to India based in Chennai. Till then, if you can let us know what should be the line of treatment or what else can we do to help him grow, we will start implementing it right away. Looking forward to your reply. Regards, Sheetal

Not being breastfed is not a cause of all these problems,so you can relax and not worry about far as laryngoscopes malaria is concerned,he will definitely outgrow can go for growth hormone stimulation test,provided it is done under strict supervision of a pediatrician and assuming that they have already done,thyroid growth hormone levels and vit d levels and they are normal ...

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ankylosing spondylitis: I am 38 yr old 1977 born. Suffering with Ankylosing spondylytes When i was 20 yrs (1997) , then first time had sever leg pain ( from hip to down) and took ibruofin to control It was there now and then and used ibruofin when pain comes Later 13 yrs in 2010 the hip pain ( from hip to down , pain sever during night and morning ) is continuous then when examinded found out that it is Ankylosing spondylytes. In examination HLAB27 is +ve and MRI scan with C-reactive protein (CRP); erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); high levels Took physiotherapy session for 10 days with rest and it controlled Later now and then pain used to come then mostly I was bearing without taking any drug..... But if pain is very severe and need to travel then used Naprosyn 250 some times else try to manage with pain without medication But in 2013 ( I moved another city, and from next day itself) this time sever body pains majorly back pain and neck pain and stiffness which restricts movememnts started.... continuously..... but i was reluctantn to taken any pain killers and managed like that only ... for almost 2 yrs !!!! during this time my movements are restricted and walking style changed.... But during this time when ever i went to my home town i felt bit better.... but on return position is same.... Recently in 2015 July .... suddently on both feet got swelling and sever pain... not able to walk also .... then contacted rhumotologist then rhumotologist prescribed below medcine after blood tests: Blodd tests: C-reactive protein (CRP) - 99 ; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) -13; plasma viscosity (PV). ( Not done) Vitamin D: 18 and using below Medcine: Gave Afec injection For one motnh Saaz DS :Morning - Night Ziffinac : when pain there BGcal-ctf Night PDOM-SR :morning ZEMPRED : 16 mg used for 12 days morning - night and for 5 days: monrnng 16 mg - night 8mg and for 5 days: monrnng 16 mg - night 4mg Immustar Pls suggest based on my conditions what shoud be done? (Some one telling to take Remicade/infimab injections !!!! which i dont prefer as it needs to be continued after some yrs it seems also expensive) (is homeopathy good option) Regs, Mohan

hi there is no treatment in homeopathy, but there is no need to go for remicade/inflimab, there are many other medicines are available. methotrexate, leflunomide etc are very effective. if you want you can come to delhi, we can evaluate and modify treatment to make you better take care ...

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Greetings Doctor, I am suffering from inconsistent stool WITH NO ABDOMINAL PAIN for more than a year. I get perfect poop like that of banana as described in bristle stool chart for half of the month and then loose (not like watery stool) stool for 10 days. This change in consistency is what irritating me despite the same kind of food I eat daily. Bowel movement is once a day and in the morning after wake up. COLOR OF THE STOOL- remains on the dark brown/brown side with no undigested remnants of foods and any other kind of unwanted waste or mucus. GAS-Actually I am not suffering from chronic constipation and have daily bowel movements (for 27 days out of 31 days of a month) with feeling of satisfaction- output of stool is equal to input (food) I eat. I also occasionally (5-6 days a month) suffer from gas (comes out of anus) if I don't get complete bowel movement for one day. Gas comes out more from evening onwards. RUMBLING of INTESTINES is another a problem whether I get loose stool or bulky stool. I could hear the sound easily. It doesn’t last throughout the day and mostly heard from evening onwards. I will get constipation if I switch to processed foods and no fibre. FOOD ALLERGY -I don't have any chronic either albeit I have some issues with digesting milk but that is eliminated if drink warm milk boiled for 10 minutes with herbs like ginger and cinnamon. I can digest rest of the dairy products. I have no problem with grains. I also don't eat processed foods and drinks of any kind and stick to only natural foods but that’s not necessarily organic foods. I maintain food diary daily and have eliminated some common food which triggers my problem-white flour (maida), white sugar, eggs, potato, rice, starchy foods, wrong combination of foods, non veg foods, cheese, cold milk, cabbage, cauliflower, colocassia, broccoli, beetroot, some leafy vegetables-spinach. These causes problem most of the time but I have observed that on a few occasion they don’t trigger any unwanted reactions. I HAVE NO PROBLEM IN DIGESTING GRAINS but HIGH FIBRE IS MUST for preventing CONSTIPATION. SUPPLEMENTS-I take three in my diet. Triphala (5gm at night) to keep gut healthy; Isabgol (in the morning empty stomach) to maintain bulk of the stool and Aloevera and Amla juice at night after 30 minutes of my meal. If I stop taking them I don't get complete bowel movement.These were suggested by Ayurvedic Practitioner along with Papaya, harad fruit, Figs and Raisins. This remedy has increased output of stool and constipation is not a problem anymore. I am not taking any pro-biotic supplements-acidophilius bacterium. OTHER DISEASES-Apart from this I am not suffering from any other common digestive disorders such as acid reflux, acidity, distension of belly, diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal pain/cramps, joint pains, liver, sexual and kidney problems etc. PILES-I had non-bleeding piles for the first time since my childhood last year due to slight tight stool with complete bowel movement. It was a black grape size mass of swollen veins with blood clot. I was cured in 45 days without operation. MY HISTORY OF DISEASES-During my childhood days right after my birth, I had weak digestive system as diagnosed by doctors at that time. Constipation and blood in stool was common for first five years. As I grew up these problems went away for next five years. When I crossed the age of 10, I started to get dull abdominal pain and continued for more than year till I was cured. Then during my teen years from 15-18, I started to suffer from constipation with weak but daily bowel movements. As time passed, it started to become chronic and I had had no bowel movement for more than 5-6 days and I had to resort to strong stimulant laxatives to expel stools. Thank god that with regular exercises and switching to natural foods I have had not this kind of constipation since then. May be I have congenital disease as my mother tells me that due to financial crunch she couldn’t eat recommended balanced diet. DAILY DIET AND WORK SCHEDULE- I follow a disciplined life with waking up and sleeping at fixed time with tolerance of one hour. I sleep for 6:30 hours a day. I eat three times a day with a gap of 4 hrs. I try to eat balanced diet-1 bowl (200gm) each of complex carbohydrates porridge, yoghurt, fruits, vegetables and proteins (from veg. source only). Its very important for me to start my day with complex carbohydrate and fibre to keep stool bulky for the next day. Porridge, beans and yoghurt in the morning, only fruits or fruit juice in the noon and salads, vegetables and proteins at night. I daily do Yoga and brisk walk in the morning for 40 minutes. I am fit overall with good agility. WORK LIFE-My work involves sitting for long time since I am working in banking sector and have high stress (also prep for professional exam CAT) all the time. but I try to offset my sedentary work life with natural foods and exercises. Probably this long sitting might have some connection with piles I had last year. I now sit on chair with no spongy material. MY BLOOD TEST AND OTHER REPORTS-My complete RBC test is normal, inflammation is well below normal-C reactive test, no bacterial infection in the stool and urine composition is normal too. I haven’t had endoscopy yet. BIODATA-My age is 25 yrs, male and unmarried, weight 72 kg and height 6ft and on the thinner side. I have some bearable low back pain intermittently. Nobody else in my family have digestive problems unless they eat wrong kind of foods. PARADOX-Despite all my efforts to live as much as healthy both mentally and physically, I still don’t understand what the problem is and what the source is. It frustrates me and wonders why I have all this issues. On the other hand people are eating wrong foods, leading indiscipline life and still are fine at least with respect to digestive system. I hope that some doctors will able to tell me where I am wrong and what could be the reason behind it. Waiting with patience. Regards

Hello agni u had long standing intestinal infection u had problems with digestion. U r intestine is highly sensitive. Problems I can look r flatulent dyspepsia, colitis irritable bowel syndrome. Weak immunity. I appreciate your r health food and life style conscious. But don't compair ur problem with others. U have ur own designed digestion tract. U Need proper ayurvedic treatment and diet lifestyle modifications. This is not a major disease but it impacts ur body and mind. We have very good med ...

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Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  521 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Poojari

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Bangalore, India

Dr. Dhanajeyan

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  100 Doc Points

Dr. Vinod Jain

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  200 Doc Points

Dr. Anjanaa S

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Bangalore, India

Dr. Tamara Zweck

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  100 Doc Points

Dr. Ms. Anuja Dalvi

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  200 Doc Points

Dr. Shrikant Iyengar

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  100 Doc Points
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